Women of the Bible ~ Dorcas ~ Scripture Saturday ~ Jeremiah 22:16
11:00 PM
Welcome to Scripture Saturday!
Our verse for this week is Jeremiah 22:16..."He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. 'Is that not what it means to know me?' declares the Lord."
We will read this week that God is glorified in the story of Dorcus, not only when she was raised from the dead, but in her acts of kindness and generosity. Because she was a true and devoted follower of Jesus Christ, she adopted His views and lifestyle. She lovingly and willingly went out of her way to help others. Anyone that knew Dorcus knew who she was, whom she followed, and whom she glorified.
"Isn't that not what it means to know me?" We mustn't think that only great, noticeable acts in our lives glorify God. He is, and will be, glorified through the simple acts of love and obedience that we do during all of our days...making a favorite meal for our family, calling a friend or neighbor to see how they are doing, praying for a loved one, friend, or co-worker.
Take a moment and ask God to show you ways in which you can act in kindness and generosity, which is your love for Him in action, so that others can clearly see Him in you. Glorify Him!
Have a blessed week everyone!