
The Legacy of Lois and Eunice

9:00 AM


Oh Girls, 

I've been so excited to write about these two women, for they elevate the role of a mother and a grandmother in the lives of their children. Lois and Eunice were the grandmother and mother of Timothy, who became Paul’s protégé and is the Timothy that Paul is writing to in 1st and 2nd Timothy.

These amazing women only get a very brief mention in the Bible, but they have much to teach us on the subject of “legacy”. 

Eunice and Lois are great examples of godly mothers who have taught their children the ways of God. The lessons we learn from them are not just meant for mothers however, but for all Christians who aim to follow God’s will in their lives. So let's get started. 

First (and probably the most obvious lesson): We should honor the role of motherhood. 

From the very beginning God has entrusted parents with the role of teaching His commandments to their children. Notice. "My child, listen when your father corrects you. Don't neglect your mother's instruction." Proverbs 1:8

Beloved,  according to God's Word there is no one better to instill into our children what the word of God says as they grow up. We should be intentionally teaching them God’s word, for a solid foundation from home will help them later on not to fall for the philosophies of the world.

And more importantly, we need to instill our family values into our children by living them out before them. Which brings me to the next point.

  • Second: More is caught than is taught.

Our actions DO speak louder than our words. We've all heard the saying, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." It's been proven that children tend to form their behavior traits from how they view their parent's. From the Scriptures we can surmise that Eunice modeled what she saw her mother Lois do, and Timothy also followed suit following the faith of both his mother and grandmother.

We just never know how great an impact we will make when teaching and modeling the gospel to our children. We need to remember that our children, as well as others are always watching, and what we do today, can have far reaching consequences in the future.

Third: We should strive to leave our children with a legacy of faith.

Often times when people talk of leaving a legacy for their children, what comes to mind most are material possessions. However, in Timothy’s case, we see that what he received from his grandmother and mother was his faith, and with this legacy of faith, Timothy, with the help of Paul, went onto build God’s New Testament church here on earth. Maybe Abraham Lincoln was thinking of Eunice when he said, “No one is poor who has a godly mother”.

  • Finally, I'd like to speak to the women who's husbands may not leave a godly example for their children to follow. Lois and Eunice prove to us that there is still hope for believers married to unbelievers. 

    In Acts 16:1-2, we read the background of Timothy, “Then he came to Derbe and Lystra. And behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a certain Jewish woman who believed, but his father was Greek. He was well spoken of by the brethren who were at Lystra and Iconium.”

    Timothy father was a Greek, a gentile. We don’t really have much information about Timothy’s father, but some feel he was not a believer. Therefore, I believe God added this to give believers who have married unbelievers HOPE. 

  • Eunice's life proves that it is possible to raise godly children in spite of our marital situation. Which is one reason I'm so thankful The Lord saw fit to include both Eunice and her mother Lois into His Word. Aren't you?

  • Blessings,

  • sue

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