The Life and Times of Lois and Eunice
7:00 AMTuesday, March 16, 2021
There is not a lot of information in Scripture regarding Lois and Eunice, but what we do know is an encouragement to all mothers who want to raise their children to love God!
Lois and Eunice were a mother/daughter team that raised up a man of God, Timothy, who was the Apostle Paul’s most trusted companion and disciple. It is only in Acts 1:6 and 2 Timothy 1:5 that we find record of these women, but what Paul says about them is something I would like people to say about me. In 2 Timothy 1:5, Paul writes,” I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” Have you ever considered how you can pass on your faith to the next generation?
The name Lois means “agreeable” or “desirable”. And she appears to have lived up to her name! The Apostle Paul praises her in his second letter to Timothy as one who passed on the mantle of faith to both her daughter and her grandson. While there are numerous grandmothers mentioned in the Bible, 2 Timothy is the only place where the term “grandmother” is actually used.
Lois must have been a devout Jew who had obviously instructed her daughter and grandson in the Old Testament Scriptures. The Scripture is silent about Lois’ husband, yet we do know that she gave her daughter a Greek name, which might indicate that he himself was Greek. The family lived in Lystra, among people who worshipped the gods of Greece, yet she faithfully raised a daughter who loved God and helped raise a grandson who shared that love.