

Thanks for visiting us! This year in 2017 our main focus is on studying God’s Word – One Passage at a Time from the New Testament!
You can also find us at Women in the Word where God is doing some amazing things bringing an eclectic group of women from all over the world together to encourage, support and pray for one another as we dig into His Word, and we would love for you to join us there!


We are also busy sharing here at  The T2 Women as He leads. We’d like to encourage you to sign up to receive our emails and to browse our offerings here at anytime. Our desire, through all our venues, is to glorify God while encouraging women to walk in His priorities for their lives. We hope you’ll join all our venues so that we are able to get to know you better, but first here’s a little bit about each of us who make up this group we call The T2women:

Pic of sue
 I’m Sue! I married my high school sweetheart and best friend over 35 years ago and have loved traveling through this life with him!! Together we were given two children by birth and another two by marriage and so far they have blessed us with SEVEN incredible grandchildren which we absolutely treasure!

I’m also a quilter, history buff, former teacher, chief cook and bottle washer in my home, who met my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ when I was 24 and have been following Him ever since. I truly believe He has made all the difference in my life, marriage and family! It’s my prayer you’ll be able to find Him through all the pages of this site!  Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope we will become great friends!!


Hi! I’m Becky! I am married and blessed with two daughters.  I work full time as a physical therapist, but am also a fitness enthusiast, animal lover, and avid book reader. I really enjoy studying God’s Word with this group.  We are growing ever closer to Him and one another and hope you’ll join us as well!

Hi Everyone! I’m Sandra and have been married to my high school sweetheart for over 30 years. Together we’ve been blessed with three children, two recently married and one just recently graduating from college and beginning a new career in nursing. I’m also an  elementary school teacher, knitter, who loves to read!  I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed being part of this group of women and being able to share our desires to love and worship Him!

Hola! I’m Angie. Born and Raised Mexican, currently living in Botswana (In southern Africa). Back in Mexico I got my bachelors in BA with a specialty in Marketing and I taught English as a second language for a couple of years. I married a handsome and God fearing African man back in May 2011 and we’re now raising our two young daughters (5 and 3 year-old). I’ve been blessed to live in different countries and continents (we lived in England for over a year) which has given me the opportunity to experience God’s grace in a different level as well as get to meet and connect with amazing people. I enjoy blogging,  graphic and blog design, photography, reading and anything that has to do with chocolate and coffee.I currently serve in my local church as a Sunday school director and teacher. God has given me a heart for children and young women. I’m humbled and privileged to be part of this beautiful ministry along these wonderful women.

Hello, I’m Mari and I’m from Mexico! I live in a little border town 20 miles from McAllen, Tx. I’ve been married for 32 years. God has been the foundation of our marriage ever since, and He has blessed us with our 31 year old twins, Martha and Angelina (married); and our 20 year-old son, Samuel: We are the proud grandparents of three baby girls. We run a contractor’s office from home. Our Lord has given us the opportunity to serve our local Church in the leadership of a prayer and Bible study group, with several families and their children for 5 years. It’s a privilege for me to be part of this group, where I’ve met wonderful women who love and seek God’s Will for their lives.”

Hi Everyone! I’m Lyn and I am so blessed to be married to a wonderful guy! I’m Mom to 7 sons, one of whom is in heaven, Meme to 3 grandchildren and my husband and I are also busy caring for his parents just now.

I love to spend time with my girlfriends, scrapbooking and quilting, but most of all, I love the Lord, spending time in His word and encouraging women in the Lord. I have really grown to love memorizing and meditating on His Word and encouraging others to do the same!

Hi everyone!  My name is Lisa Moore.  I’ve been married to my best friend for over twenty years now, and am the proud mother of a teenage son.  A son who is truly a blessing.  My husband and I were told that we would never be able to have children without medical intervention.  We chose another way.  We gave it to God and in return he gave us our son!  “For with God nothing shall be impossible”, (Luke 1:37).  This verse hangs on my refrigerator as a daily reminder.  I have been very blessed to have found this wonderful group of Christian women and my hope is that you too will be blessed in awesome ways.

Hi, I’m Lisa.  I’m from Michigan – the seasons here are the best! I am married to the best guy in the whole world!  We have been married nearly 6 years.  He is incredible – he took on myself and my three children when we married a few years after my first husband died.  We have six children between us.  It has been great learning how to blend our families.

I work full-time outside the home and enjoy watching our children participate in school sports and music.  I volunteer whenever I can, especially with the band program at the high school!  I also dabble in a hobby farm.  My goats are some of the most enjoyable animals ever.  And getting eggs from my chickens isn’t too bad either.  Although I am not the best singer, you will find me belting out my favorite songs while I’m driving!  “… being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippines 1:6) has become my favorite verse.  I hope you enjoy your visit at T2 Women and I hope you will return soon.