
A Bittersweet Ending - The Women of The New Testament

10:00 AM

As we come to the end of our study of the women in the New Testament, I find it bittersweet. For I have so enjoyed these women and their incredible testimonies of faith and devotion to God. It’s been a privilege for me to write their stories, share their emotions, and dig into each of their lives. And as we say good bye, I thank them for their godly examples, inspiring legacies, and womanly wisdom, which I will forever carry in my heart. 

These women lived centuries ago, yet their stories are still relatable to us, the women of today. For as the mothers and daughters of old, they too felt the same sadness and joy, hopes and dreams, and trials and tribulations. Sometimes their stories only consisted of a sentence or two in the Bible, yet their lives will forever be held up as pillars of inspiration to women everywhere. For in a society where women had far less value than a man, they showed God’s equal and unconditional love for us all. He knows our value, and calls each of us for mighty purposes and plans. And when God called, these business women, teachers, missionaries, and evangelists, answered. 

Before we go, I want to give an honorable mention to a young servant girl named Rhoda. She has always had a soft spot in my heart. When God released Peter from jail, he returned to the house of Mary, mother of John Mark. And when he knocked at the gate, Rhoda was the one who answered. I love how in her excitement she left Peter standing right where he was. I want to be like Rhoda, excited and full of faith. I want to pray expectantly to our Heavenly Father, and be filled with joy when those prayers are answered. A great reminder to us all that when we are bound by chains and all gates are shut, the gate to God through prayer is always open and through Him, all things are possible.

I hope you enjoyed our study as much as I, and I look forward to when we start up again with studying the women of the Old Testament. Until then may God bless us richly, and I pray we take the examples of these amazing women and apply their hard learned lessons in our own lives! And as we enter this most Holy of weeks, may we remember the love Jesus had not only for these women, but for the world as He sacrificed everything to give us eternal life. To Him alone goes the glory! 

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