Peter Knocked, Rhoda was Shocked, and the Saints Mocked {Acts 12}

4:09 PM

Monday Feb. 24, “Walking In Wisdom”

The Bible is filled with godly women whose stories both teach and inspire. And one of these is Rhoda. Although only mentioned briefly in Acts, the story of this servant girl, whose name means Rose, is one of my favorites. Her overwhelming delight is infectious, and the excitement she felt, causing her to leave Peter standing at the door, brings a chuckle to my lips and a gladness to my heart. But more than just a cute tale, Rhoda is an example of persistence, and expectant faith in the Lord. 

The chapter begins in Jerusalem with king Herod who, trying to win favor with the Jews, beheads James, the brother of John, and imprisons Peter. But as Herod kept Peter jailed, "prayer for him was being made fervently by the church to God." (v. 5)  A group of believers had gathered at the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark, to plead to God on Peter's behalf. While they were earnestly praying, there came a knock on the door at the gate. As Rhoda went to answer, to her delight, she heard the familiar voice of Peter. And in her excitement, instead of opening the gate and letting Peter in, she ran to tell the others. But Rhoda was not believed. She was told she was crazy; that it must have been an angel she heard. Yet she didn't back down, and through her insistence and the continued knocking of Peter, Mary and the others soon learned how God had answered their prayers, how the Lord led Peter from prison, and how Rhoda was right all along!

You know what I admire about Rhoda? First, her determination. Even though her story was doubted, she didn’t give up. Rhoda knew Peter truly was at the door, and nothing was going to keep her from her telling her truth. As Christians we may have times like Rhoda, when in sharing our truth our stories are doubted. Some may call us crazy. Others may try to convince us that our faith in the Lord is misguided. But no matter what anyone says, we will not be dissuaded. For as Jesus tells us, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 8:32,14:6)

I also admire her eagerness. Rhoda couldn’t wait to share the good news about Peter's deliverance. I want to be just as eager and excited to share the Good Newsof the saving grace through faith in Christ. As our Redeemer, Teacher, and Lord, Jesus commands us, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matt. 28:19-20) Rhoda knew the great joy her news would bring, just as we know the great joy awaiting those who receive Jesus as their Savior. 

Finally I admire Rhoda’s expectant faith. She obviously knew Peter, and I have no doubt Rhoda was among those praying for his release. Yet unlike the others who had to be convinced that God had answered their prayers, all it took was the sound of Peter’s voice for Rhoda to believe. She had complete faith in Jesus who said, “If two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in Heaven.”(Matt. 18:19) Like Rhoda, when we pray, we must do so with expectant faith in God. Faith, “That if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us."  (1 John 5:14)

I want to be like Rhoda. I want to be jubilant, excited, and full of faith in God. I want to pray expectantly and be overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness when those prayers are answered. Peter’s deliverance shows how there is the great power in prayer. And so the next time I find myself bound in chains, and stuck behind closed gates, I will pray. For through my own power I can do nothing, but through the power of God, “All things are possible.” (Matt. 19:26)

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