Laying The Groundwork Of Faith - (Lois and Eunice)
11:00 AM
“Ok Mother. That’s enough fussing. I have to go,” said Timothy as he grabbed a handful of dried figs for the road. “ I have everything I need and what I don’t, the Lord will provide.” “Yes , yes,” said his mother Eunice, dabbing at her tears with the sleeve of her tunic. “I just wanted to make sure you had enough warm clothes for the trip.” “He’ll be fine,” said the apostle Paul, who was waiting in the doorway. “Eunice you’ve raised a fine young man whose foundation is strong in the Lord. And because of his faith, God will use Timothy in wonderful, amazing ways. It’s never easy to say goodbye, but I know you’ve put your trust in God. So trust Him now.”
And with that, Timothy kissed Eunice on the cheek and started out the door with Paul. They were to meet Silas, and head out on their next missionary journey. “Goodbye grandmother,” yelled Timothy, who had turned around to wave one last time. Lois, Timothy’s beloved grandmother and pillar of the family’s faith, had joined Eunice in saying farewell. “I’m going to miss that boy,” said Lois. And with a smile on her face added, “We did good with that one.”
“We did do good,” thought Eunice. And not an easy job. For Lystra was a rural Roman colony. There was no synagogue to attend, nor church to worship at. And many in their Jewish community had turned away from Lois when she and Eunice proclaimed Jesus as their Savior. Timothy’s father, a Greek, also didn’t share their beliefs or passion for Jesus. Even so, Eunice and Lois were determined to raise Timothy to know God’s Word, and to be living examples of their faith in the Lord.
Through their Christ loving groundwork, Timothy found his faith, and was growing to be a man of God. He was a well known godly influence, and highly respected by Christians in both Lystra and the surrounding areas. And it was these very Christians who had recommended Paul to lay his hands on Timothy, circumcise him, and call him to join God’s mission. When given the chance, Paul didn’t hesitate. For he had long been impressed with the sincere faith shown by both Eunice and Lois. Furthermore, the apostle had a deep affection for the young Timothy, often referring to him as “my true child in the faith.”
Still, as proud as she was, the mama’s heart in Eunice ached as she watched Timothy walking away in the distance. “God speed my son,” she whispered. And as she closed the door she heard a little voice in the background ask, “Grandmother Lois does Jesus really love me?” Eunice went into the next room and joined Lois who was sitting by the fire with a group of children nestled at her feet. Her Timothy was in the very best of hands now, and before her were new Timothy’s ready and ripe for God’s Word. Eunice was resolved to share her faith, and give them the same foundation she gave to her son. An unshakable foundation that can be found in God alone!
(Did you know statistics show that most children first hear about God through a female family member? Lois and Eunice are great reminders of the responsibility that we as women have in growing up the next generation. When we raise them with a strong foundation in God’s Word, we prepare them for whatever may come their way, and give to them the greatest gift of all, the Good News of Jesus Christ!)