
A Living Miracle - Tabitha (Dorcas)

12:00 PM

“Dorcas, arise.” As Dorcas opened her eyes, the room slowly came into focus. Looking around, she saw the apostle Peter kneeling beside her. Quickly she sat up in bed and tried to make sense of her surroundings. "Where am I? Where is my Lord? Why have I been taken from Him?", Dorcas asked with a tremor in her voice. Peter gently took her hand in his and replied, "My dear sister, God has performed a mighty miracle through you."

Still confused, all Dorcas knew at that moment was the pain she felt at having to leave paradise and her Savior's side. "Dorcas", Peter said softly. "I know the agony of being separated from our beloved Lord Jesus. I too long for nothing more than to be at His side once again. But your work here on this earth is not finished. And God will use your life as a great testimony through which many will be saved." Not finding much comfort in Peter's words, through tears Dorcas asked, "Why me?" 

"Listen", Peter replied. And as Dorcas turned her head to the door, she heard a great many wailings and cries of sorrow. "Those are for you.", Peter continued. "For me?", asked a surprised Dorcas. Peter went on to tell of how he was ministering in the nearby town of Lydda when he was approached by two disciples urging him to quickly go to Joppa. For their beloved disciple Dorcas had died from a sickness, leaving many broken hearted. And on the way, they had shared with Peter stories of the many abounding deeds of kindness and charity Dorcas selflessly performed. They sang praises of her love and care for orphans and widows, and of her devotion to the Lord.

 "See for yourself", said Peter, as he motioned with his arm around the room. Dorcas looked and saw piles of tunics and other garments strewn over the furniture. "What are these?", she asked the apostle. "These are the evidence of your faith and love for others.", replied Peter. "the widows who brought them wanted me to see the great care you put in every stitch." Dorcas was deeply moved by the womens devotion. She hadn’t before realized all of those she had touched. And even though her heart still felt the chill of disappointment, it was beginning to warm from the outpouring of love.

"Are you ready?", Peter asked "It's time to show the people the mighty love, mercy, and hand of God at work." "I am!", answered Dorcas. And she got out bed, took Peter's arm, and let him lead her out to the many people gathered in prayer and anticipation. At her appearance, shouts first of disbelief, and then joy grew so loud, they spilled out into the street. People rushed up to hug her, and many fell to their knees praising God. Tears of joy and sounds of laughter now turned the once solemn house into a place of jubilation, and many stayed long into the night worshiping and celebrating.

Peter left Dorcas and went to stay with his friend Simon. But often he would return to check on her. For she had become a local celebrity, and many came from miles around to see the "living miracle" and to hear her story. Yet she still remained humble, and Peter was filled with joy as he watched her pick right up where she left off in her work for God's kingdom. For Dorcas often told of God's great love in not only in saving her, but saving us all through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. And in her heart she longed for the day when she would once again return to her Master and hear Him say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

(Dorcas reminds me of the apostle Paul who in Philippians 1:23 says, “I am hard pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake.” I too often cry out, “Maranatha, come quickly Lord Jesus!” But if Dorcas has shown me anything, it’s the importance of continuing God’s work until the day He calls us home. How about you? Are sitting idly by, until the Lord’s return? Or are you using each precious day He gives you to glorify Him and work for His kingdom?)

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