
Dorcas' Legacy

9:00 AM

 Hi Girls! 

Have you ever wondered what you could do to serve others? If so, you've been wondering all wrong!! 

It isn't; what can I do, but what can Jesus do through me? Notice:

Faithful and absolutely trustworthy is He who is calling you, and He will do it [He will fulfill His call by making you holy, guarding you, watching over you, and protecting you as His own].- (1 Thessalonians 5:24 AMP)

I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return]. -(Philippians 1:6 AMP)

Very little is known about Dorcas other than her willingness to care for those in need, but her story has inspired many over the years simply because she made herself available to be used by God.

Especially me!

You see, I've always considered my life and talents to be pretty mediocre; sort of like your "basic vanilla" among ice cream flavors- nothing fancy or spectacular that would cause me to stand out among the rest. BUT that was until God took my "basic vanilla" gifts once I had surrendered them to Him and began to use them.  

It all began back in 1999 when The Lord uprooted us and moved us thousands of miles away from home and all that was familiar to us. I had not even been given the chance to pick out the new home I was living in, and I began walking around these four walls wondering exactly what was my purpose in being here!

Finally, one day The Lord and I had a heart to heart discussion and I ended up absolutely surrendering everything to Him. Jesus needed to bring me to the end of myself before He could take over, and I gave it all over to Him including the home I was living in and that's when He began to work. 

The only way I can describe all that happened next was like being in the eye of a storm. All these circumstances began swirling around us and I got to sit there and watch Him work! I couldn't possible take credit for any of it, for all I had done was given what He had already given me, back to Him. 

Lives came to Jesus and others began to grow in their faith, and the whole time I simply marveled at all He was doing! 

I can't say for sure, but I like to think Dorcas could say the same. She took what talents she had and let Jesus use her to bless others! I'd love to know her thoughts after she was brought back to life, wouldn't you? 

 I'll bet her life was no different than before. I'll bet she kept right on allowing Jesus to shine through her. And if anyone would have asked, she'd probably tell them that their greatest gift of all is simply their availability. 



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