Priorities: Choose the Good Part (Luke 10:38-42)
12:00 AM
Please read: Luke 10:38-42
As we read these verses from Luke we find two young
sisters, that although they had the same up-bringing they had very different
perspectives of life.
Martha wanted to serve and please Jesus, as she
diligently worked around the house preparing supper. To her, this was a
priority. But she became anxious and even irritable as she saw her sister
sitting at Jesus’ feet, criticizing her for not helping in her tasks. But Martha’s real problem wasn’t Mary;
it was Martha. She had become distracted and had taken her eyes off Jesus.
frustration is typical of those who diligently serve with good intent, but
forget to also sit at Jesus’ feet. “The Martha spirit says, if the
work is done, is not that all? The Mary spirit asks whether Jesus is well pleased or
not? All must be done in
his name and by his Spirit, or nothing is done.” (Spurgeon)
Then Jesus said: “ …“Martha, Martha, you are worried and
bothered and anxious about so
many things; 42 but only one
thing is necessary,... .” (10:41-42a)
Yes, in this life only
one thing is necessary:
“One thing
have I desired of the Lord, that I will seek: that I may dwell in the house of
the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to
inquire in His temple.” (Psalm 27:4 emphasis mine)
“When Jesus heard these things, he said to him, “You
still lack one thing…come, follow
Me.” (Luke 18:22 emphasis mine).
When I first accepted Jesus as my personal Savior, I
was a single young woman about to graduate from the University. I had two part time
jobs, between my classes, so it was extremely difficult to “squeeze” in my
schedule my Bible classes! But you know what? I knew deep in my heart that as a child of God
I needed to know HIM…to nourish myself from His Word, that I could no longer live
my life without Him nor His Truths! The
more I learned about God and His Word, the more I needed of Him!
As we continue reading in verse 42, we find that Mary chose
the good part, which would not be
taken away from her (10:42b). I sadly have to confess that in one way or another I’ve
exchanged “the good part”, for life’s busyness which have distracted me and
made me anxious like Martha! There are times when my weary heart yearns for me to
sit at His feet like Mary in wholly surrender and focus on Jesus!
If you like me have been
in this situation, I invite you join me as we reflect on the following words
from Spurgeon, and choose the good part
at His feet:
“Imagine not that to sit at Jesus’ feet is a
very small, unmeaning thing.
- It means
peace, for they who submit to Jesus find peace through his precious, blood.
- It means
holiness, for those who learn of Jesus learn no sin, but are instructed in
things lovely and of good repute.
-It means
strength, for they that sit with Jesus, and feed upon him, are girded with his,
strength; the joy of the Lord is their strength.
- It means
wisdom, for they that learn of the Son of God understand more than the
ancients, because they keep his statutes.
-It means
zeal, for the love of Christ fires hearts that live upon it, and they that are
much with Jesus become like Jesus, so that the zeal of the Lord’s house eats
them up.” (Spurgeon)
Yes Lord, I always want to sit at your feet, may
nothing distract me from this ONE
precious thing!!