
Called and Chosen {2 Timothy 1}

12:30 AM

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As we begin 2 Timothy, let me remind you that these are Paul’s last words to Timothy.  And Paul’s tone is so full of love and encouragement, while he waits to be killed for his faith.  

The very first verse should remind us all who we are; just replace Paul’s name with your own.  We are all chosen believers, because of God’s will and have life eternal because of the promise that is in Christ Jesus.

When we are united with Christ, life takes on both immediate and eternal dimensions.  When we trust Jesus, we are immediately, and in the moment, changed.  And that’s exactly where we have to stay trustworthy.  We are also promised eternal life through Jesus Christ.  The journey from that new realization/new birth, to the moment we reach eternity, is filled with trusting in the moment, and not comparing ourselves with others, or worrying about the past or future.  And so we receive grace, mercy and peace from our Lord when we place each moment with the Lord.

Image result for 2 timothy 1:10

If you could write your last words to your loved ones, what are the most important things in life?  What would you want them to know mattered most to you?  I’ve had a couple of opportunities to share with my children and with other family members what means the most to me and that is; God out of His grace has saved us (v. 9).  Though we may suffer in this world, we have faith that Jesus has defeated death and gives us eternal life (v. 10).  The promise of eternal life should compel us to live a holy life now while we have an opportunity to share the gospel (vs. 8-12).  The Spirit of God empowers us through His spiritual gifts to be filled with love and His power (v. 7).

Our life in Christ includes our promise of eternal life with Him and the call to a holy life now, empowered by His Spirit.  That is simply the most marvelous gifts of God!

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