With My Whole Heart

3:00 PM

Our Reading: Psalm 138 & Luke 1:46-55

This Psalm made me stop and really think about my own level of devotion and faithfulness to God. Perhaps, I can ask you some of the same questions that came to my mind, and you can self examine as well. What is your devotion level to God? How much trust and faith in God are you willing to show others? Can you, as the Psalmist proclaims, have whole hearted gratitude?

“I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise;” (v1)

There are conflicting opinions about whom “the gods” are in this verse but should it really matter if you are convinced that only Yahwe is worthy of praise? Would you be willing to declare Him as the object of your worship and loyalty no matter whose presence you were in? Would you even be willing to do so if it weren’t the popular opinion or perhaps could even be met with harassment or danger?

This Psalmist placed great confidence in the majestic faithfulness of God? How often do you bow before God in awe and wonder? How solidly do you stand upon His Word and apply it to how you live your life?

“I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word.” (v2)

Have you known hard times and dark days when you wanted to give in to despair and angst? What was your response? Where did you turn for comfort? Did you immediately call upon the Lord for help? Did you draw your strength from Him?

“On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased.” (v3)

When others are working in opposition to you, do you try to take matters into your own hands and make your own plan of deliverance or do you wait and entrust your circumstances to God?

“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me.” (v7)

What about your pride and self sufficiency? Does it move you away from God as you focus on your own gain or what you perceive to be worthy of your time and effort? Or do you remain humble and dependent upon God even if the tasks he assigns to you don’t carry the applause or excitement you would like them to? 

“For though the Lord is high, he regards the lowly, but the haughty he knows from afar.” (v6)

In present culture, man’s focus seems to be on the power of position, the glory of self identity, and gaining recognition or clout. As man elevates himself, he sabotages his eternal future.

“Proud men boast loudly of their culture and ‘the freedom of thought,’ and even dare to criticize their Maker: but he knows them from afar, and will keep them at arm’s length in this life, and shut them up in hell in the next.” (Spurgeon)

Yes, this Psalm challenged me to take a long, hard look at the motives of my own decisions, actions, and attitudes. Do you know where I found my whole hearted gratitude? It was in appreciation that no matter how much I miss the mark, I only have to humble myself and He can turn it all around. He is still working on me and praise God, He won’t give up. 

“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” (v8)

My prayer is that in all my journeys upon this Earth, God will keep my heart humble and grateful and that He will see me through to the end! 

“His creating hands formed our souls at the beginning; his nail-pierced hands redeemed them on Calvary; his glorified hands will hold our souls fast and not let them go for ever.” (Burgon, cited in Spurgeon).  

Prayer: Father, may we bring to You our wholehearted praise and adoration. May we walk humbly and know the sweetness of Your presence as You draw near to us. May we confess and put away all self seeking pride that pushes You away.  May we be willing to hold fast to the seemingly lowly tasks we may we be asked to do, and do them with loyal obedience as unto You. May we take comfort in knowing that You are still at work in our hearts and You will complete Your purposes for us. You will never let us go.

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