
Mary -The Mother of John Mark

10:00 AM


Our verse for this week is Acts 12:12,"...He went to the house of Mary the mother of John, also called Mark, where many people had gathered and were praying."

Hi Girls!

We've reach another woman in our study who is hardly mentioned in the Bible, but one who played a huge role in the church during it's infancy. I'm so thankful to be taking the time to study Mary, the mother of John Mark this week, for she is a woman who is overlooked more often than not these days, yet truly deserves recognition for the huge role she did play. O, hang on girls, I think this will be a wonderful study this week and I can not wait to dive in!!

The story Mary, the Mother of John Mark is found in:

Acts 12:1-19

Colossians 4:10

And quite possibly Acts 1:12 - 2:13, but I'll talk about that more later in the week. 

As always our themes for the week will be:

  • Monday: Her story--a portrait of her life
  • Tuesday: Her life and times--background information about the culture of her day
  • Wednesday: Her legacy in Scripture
  • Thursday: Her promise--the Bible promises that apply to her life and yours
  • Friday: Her legacy of prayer--and praying in light of her story

We want to also encourage you to be thinking along these lines as you study Mary, the mother of John Mark throughout the week. Ask yourself:

  • What life lessons stand out to me from her life?
  • How does the culture of that day have an impact on her circumstances?
  • What stands out as her legacy ?
  • What's the greatest takeaway/promise from her story?
  • How does her story prompt you in the area of prayer?
All for now! 
I hope you are just as excited as we are to begin this week's study on the life of Mary, the mother of John Mark! 

We'll see you in the morning! 


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