
No Sacrifice Is Too Great - Mary, Mother Of John Mark

2:52 PM

Mary, Mother Of John Mark

Mary lifted the lamp just enough to peer out of the window, then quickly lowered it back to her side. The house must be kept dark, for the guards were nearby. And if not for the strange noise she had heard, Mary wouldn't have taken the chance. For these were perilous times. King Herod had stepped up his campaign of persecution. Now Christians, some Mary loved and called friends, were being arrested and tortured. Even the disciples of Jesus, James and Peter had been captured. And to find favor with the Jews, Herod already had James killed. Now Peter was in a prison cell awaiting the same fate. "Not if I can help it.", said Mary softly. "For this is a house of faith! In it we worship the Almighty, Living, God! Furthermore, no enemy, not even the great Herod can stop God's will from being done!" And with that, Mary turned defiantly and headed for the great room where the others were gathered. 

Mary's house was indeed a house of great faith, prayer, and worship. And that was all due to her nephew, Barnabas. He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith. A follower of Jesus, it was through his ministry that Mary and her son, John Mark, came to know the Lord. Barnabas had taken John Mark under his wing, and helped him become a mighty evangelist for Christ. And watching all her nephew and son gave to God, no matter the cost, Mary knew she could do no less.

Opening up her home to fellow believers was both risky, and dangerous, but Mary felt led to do just that. It was important that those who needed a safe haven to pray and worship could do so freely. And even though at any given moment the doors could burst open and Herod's guards take them all, Mary was never afraid. For she trusted in God alone, and knew the promises of Jesus; her Savior who gave His life to save hers. And it was those very promises she was clinging to now.

As Mary returned with her lamp to the gathering room, the mood was somber. The fragrant voices of many prayers filled the air from the people on their knees. A vigil was being held for Peter, and petitions were being made to God for his release from prison. For tonight was the disciple's scheduled execution and time was running out. 

It was getting late, and the people were tired, but not a single one lost hope, nor resolve. "We'll stay as long as it takes.", said a man kneeled in the corner. And as others around the room agreed, Mary was filled with love and happiness at the strength of the fellowship around her. When suddenly, that happiness was disturbed by a loud knock at the gate.

"Who could that be?", a startled Mary wondered. "If it were Herod's men, surely they wouldn't bother to knock. Yet who would come at such a late hour?" Not wanting to arouse suspicion, reluctantly Mary sent her servant girl Rhoda to see who was calling. The minutes Rhoda was gone felt like hours. And just when Mary thought she couldn't take another second of waiting, in ran the girl, out of breath and too excited to talk. 

Finally after a few deep breaths Rhoda managed to get out, "Our prayers have been answered. It's Peter! Peter is at the gate!" Surely the girl was mistaken. In her zeal and the shadows of the night, she must have mistaken whoever it was for Peter. But the girl persisted. "I tell you it's Peter!, she declared. Even when someone offered the explanation of the stranger being Peter's angel, the girl wouldn't back down. And as Mary looked into the girl's eyes, now filled with tears, there was another knock at the gate. Knowing her servant to be truthful, Mary and the others went themselves to see who was knocking.

Her heart skipped a beat when Mary opened the gate and saw her beloved friend and leader Peter, standing on the other side. Afraid of attracting unwanted attention, quickly they ushered the disciple in. After they had tended his wounds and filled his belly, they gathered around to hear Peter's tale. They listened in amazement as Peter told of the appearance of God's angel, who had rescued him from prison. He spared no detail, and everyone who heard began praising the Lord for His love and faithfulness. 

Although Mary wanted desperately for Peter to stay, the danger was too great. He needed to leave before the morning light and news of his escape reached the ears of Herod. "Mary", said Peter. "Tell what you have heard and seen here to James and the brethren." And after grabbing a small sack of food for the road, Peter turned, smiled, and headed out into the darkness. 

As Mary locked the gate, she looked up at the stars and said a prayer of thanks. If she were to be honest, there had been times when she wondered if all of her sacrifices had been worth it. But in His grace and love, God had blessed Mary by letting her see His mighty hand at work in the miracle He performed. And as she blew out her lamp and climbed into bed, joy filled Mary's heart. For God was faithful, His promises rang true, and He had rewarded her obedience far beyond what Mary could have imagined. Excited and rejuvenated, Mary could hardly wait until morning to continue the work of the Lord.

(Mary, Mother Of John Mark, is one my heroes. She risked everything to follow Jesus. And so I ask myself, can I be a Mary? Am I willing to place everything I hold dear in the hands of the Lord? Is any sacrifice too great? Am I as powerful a prayer warrior as she? And do I have the faith to trust that God answers all petitions made by the ones He loves?)

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