No More What If’s - {2 Timothy 1:7}
11:00 AM
Here we are finally! A new year overflowing with new possibilities! And that’s why we here at WitW, are so excited to be doing these monthly challenges. Each of us need encouragement, teaching, fellowship, and growth. And what better way to grow in our relationship with God and others, than to do it alongside fellow believers. So roll up your sleeves, get ready for change, and don’t forget to head over to
No More What if's! (2 Timothy 1:7)
God’s gift of emotions can be a double edged sword. For with one side we experience love, joy, and gratitude. Yet with the other, pain, fear, and doubt. And make no mistake. Satan wields the bitter side of that blade ferociously and without mercy. But get this. He can only attack if we let him. You heard me. The Enemy can only strike when we allow him a foothold into our hearts and minds.
Paul makes it very clear in his letter to Timothy, that God fills our spirits with His strength, power and love. The very same power flowing through Jesus as He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and walked on water, resides in us! And that power of God waits with an extended hand for us to grab hold. Because overcoming fear is a two person operation. God gives us the power, but we have to use our sound minds to practice self control. Meaning we are to actively, and intentionally take ahold of our thoughts. And filter those thoughts through the sieve of God’s truth instead of Satan’s lies.
We are in a battle of a lifetime, for my sisters I truly believe we are living in the last days. So how am I going to spend the time remaining? One thing I know for sure, is that I’m done wasting it being afraid. I’m tired of running scared. I’m tired of letting Satan control my thoughts. And I’m tired of going down the rabbit hole of “what ifs.” I’m ready to go to war, with God as my Captain. And in honor of this challenge, I’ve printed off the quote, “If you think anybody is going to scare me, you don’t know me or my God!” I’ve put it on my refrigerator as a daily reminder to dress in the armor of God, (Ephesians 6:10-18) laying down fear and picking up the Lord's peace.
So the next time I find myself afraid, stuck, and unable to move, I’m going yell out the word FEAR as a call to my Father, Emmanuel, Adonai, and Redeemer. Ruler and Creator of all things, “the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory” (Deuteronomy 20:4)
And so I hope you will join me today as I step out in faith. Challenge yourself to take a step in courage with God leading the way. Maybe it’s trying something new. Or sharing your faith with a stranger. Whatever that step is, small or large, every one taken in overcoming fear is a great victory and testament of faith!
I would like to encourage you to keep a journal as you go through these challenges. Each day write down the verse included with the post, along with your feelings, struggles, and victories. Look for “God winks”, the act of looking for God in your day and noticing or recognizing His work. And at the end, you can go back and see if you're not amazed at the work God has done in your life!