Finding God's Purpose in The Midst of Our Trials
9:00 AMIn this fallen world,
disappointments and discouragements are an unfortunate part of life. After all,
we are all sinners, living among sinners, therefore we're bound to experience
trouble in our lives, which is why this verse is one we should not only
memorize, but hold unto tightly, for in this one verse there is H.O.P.E!
I truly believe if we will only rest in this massive promise, our lives will be more solid and stable and when Satan sends those negative thoughts that will try to bowl us over we will be able to stand strong!
How you ask?
When trials come if we would we stop and seek to discover God’s purpose for it all, we will be able to stand in the midst of the trial and come out that much strong on the other side.
When you are hurting find God’s purpose in your suffering, by prayerfully asking yourself:
- Could God be using this trial to increase my
- Could God be using this trial to build my character?
- Could God be using this trial to prepare me to better serve Him and others in some way?
Answering these questions will
require prayer, for you want God’s plan for your life, but I can honestly
promise you, that when you see the “big picture” (the one with God in it and on
it!), you not only will be able to stand, but may find yourself getting happy
and even rejoicing and giving thanks for it all!!