Knocking Fear off Its Throne - James 4:8
11:00 AMWhat if I told you that fear is a sin? How? Because fear stems from pride. And God has some pretty strong feelings about pride. (Proverbs 8:13) For pride submits to no one, thinking we ourselves know best. And it’s the same with fear. When we let fear dictate what we do and don’t do, we’re telling God we trust more in our own feelings than in His promises. So how can we knock fear off the throne in our lives? The throne intended for God alone? In writing his letter to the Jews, James gives us the tools. Humility and faith.
Humility is never an easy pill to swallow. Because admitting we are wrong, being vulnerable, and submitting is hard. But when we come to God with a truly humble heart, He doesn’t say, “I told you so.” Instead He welcomes us with open arms, inviting us to draw near to Him. To leave our pride and fear at the door, and safely shelter in His mighty fortress. An impenetrable tower of power, mercy, and wisdom. And when we put our faith in His perfect love and promises, we have no room to be afraid. And no weapon for the Enemy to wield. For, as 1 John 4:18 tells us, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love casts out fear.”
We will never experience the peace that God offers without trusting Him completely with everything we are and everything we have. Because only by letting go and letting God, can real change happen. So today I challenge you to have an honest conversation with God. Draw near to Him, and lay your fears at the feet of Jesus. Give Him your sorrows, worries, tears, and anxiety. Let Him draw near to you, taking the reins in your life. Receive His healing of your heart and mind, and walk in the Lord’s freedom!
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