
For You I Wait (Psalm 25:5)

12:00 PM

For some, anxiety is brought on by worrying about the future or how future events will unfold. For Christians, we know that our eternal future is secured because Jesus settled that on the cross long ago. He is the God of our salvation. Each moment that passes between today and our last physical breath will be a journey that shapes our preparation for Heaven and our influence on this Earth. 

No two lives will be the same and there are many obstacles and deceptions that the enemy will place in our path to make us falter, stumble and lose our way. The Psalmist knew that it was foolish to try and navigate life on his own. He knew that it was best to trust in the guidance of God. God wants us to be teachable in all of the moments and events that make up our lives. He wants to help us recognize truth and avoid deception. 

God also wants us to trust His timing. That can be hard for those of us who get anxious when things seem chaotic and we want to rush in to “fix” or handle a situation on our own. So many times I have been amazed to discover that when I place something in God’s hands and relinquish the details and outcomes to Him, He  gives me peace and He shows me His mighty hand at work. Sometimes He works to change the circumstances and sometimes He works within those circumstances to change me.  Either way, I am learning as the Psalmist that it’s always best to wait for the Lord. 

Challenge: Pick something you feel uneasy and anxious about because you don’t know how it will unfold in future days. Determine if you are trying to manage this in your own strength and wisdom? Seek God for direction and be willing to relinquish the outcomes to Him.  Wait for His timing and see if He changes the circumstances and /or if He uses those circumstances to change you. 

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