Challenge Week 4- Finding Restoration of our Souls- Psalm 23:2
8:30 PMWhen
we know our Pastor, we can surely trust Him with our lives and our needs. This
is when we can find peace and rest for our weary hearts (minds).
David as a former shepherd can express in Psalm 23 how a pastor cares for his sheep, and also how he personally experienced the loving care of his Heavenly Pastor:
“He looks for a place of rest and refreshment for his sheep.” “…sheep do not lie down easily and will not unless four conditions are met. Because they are timid, they will not lie down if they are afraid… Rest comes because the shepherd has dealt with fear, friction -among them-, flies, and famine.” (Philip Keller -A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23)
“…whereas the shepherd lives with his flock and is
everything to it: guide, physician and protector.” (Kidner)”
This is how our Heavenly Pastor deals with us, too. His blessings redeem the days of our
affliction, fears, insecurities, etc. When we look back over our past, we can
realize how His precious love has covered and healed the painful experiences.
For: “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning” (Psalm
We cannot find peace and rest in mind and heart until we have poured out all that troubles us: the guilt, the shame, the bitterness, the pride, etc.
Our God not only heals us, but He forgives our sins. There in our quiet place with Him we can find the food that satisfies –His Word- and when our souls cry out:
the deer pants [longingly] for the water brooks, So my [a]soul pants [longingly] for You, O God. 2 My
soul (my life, my inner self) thirsts for God, for the living God.
When will I come and see the face of God? (Psalm 42:1-2 AMP)
will quench our thirst from the cool, still waters of His Holy Spirit! And by
these blessings to which the great Shepherd leads us, we will find our souls
restored; our whole being invigorated, and our spiritual life reborn.
Challenge: Meditate and bring to memory a time or season in your life when your Heavenly Pastor brought you out of an affliction, to lie you down in the stillness of His Peace. Can you trust that He is Able to do this for you again? Write this on you journal as you write down the Bible verse(s) to help you stand firm on this Promise.