Do You Love Me? {John 21}
11:00 AMTuesday, October 13, 2020
There is so much between chapter 1 and 21, and I have been blessed with beginning and ending the gospel of John. And here we are in chapter 21 answering Jesus’ question, “Do you love me?”
Most people probably think John was done in chapter 20 – “Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” John 20:30-31
It seems like it would be the end, but John had a little more to say – kind of like there is some unfinished business and it is really meant for all of us. There certainly was some unfinished business for me!
I am going to use some names you are familiar with here at Women in the Word. There’s Sue, Lisa Moore, Becky, Mari, Lyn, Sandra, and me. Seven of us. We are all familiar with studying scripture. It is a vocation for us, and we know how to do it. Kind of like these seven men. They have just been through the Gethsemane encounter with soldiers; Jesus praying; the trial; the crucifixion; the resurrection; and a couple visits with Jesus. Can you imagine the building up in their hearts?
So, what is it that they do – they do something familiar – they go fishing. These men have just endured three years of teachings, miracles, the terrible crucifixion, and the resurrection of Jesus. But now what are they supposed to do? They were sort of frozen and unable to know what the next step is. It is a great reminder actually for all of us, especially when we become overwhelmed, we should do that one thing we are familiar with, even if it is menial, you’ve got to do one thing.
And that is what Peter does. He is in touch with himself enough to do something familiar – he goes fishing with his friends – because it is what they knew how to do. And… they were completely unsuccessful.
Morning dawns and they see a person on the shore, and they hear a voice (v. 4). Do you ever wonder why they do not recognize Jesus?
But here is the main reason John writes this chapter, Peter has this “thing”. Peter denied Jesus three times, just as Jesus said he would. Jesus takes Peter aside and he says, “Do you love me more than these?”
Scripture does not unpack “these”, so what are “these” referring to? Go ahead and fill in the blank.
These = husband
= children
= home
= job
= ministry
= friends
= vacation
Go ahead – you fill it in – what are “these” for you?
The hardest part is that Jesus asks Peter three times “Do you love me more than these?”
Jesus said, “Tend my sheep. Feed my sheep. In other words, “now do something!”
How do you do something with you are frozen/stuck in a serious issue? You just do not know what to do. You do something familiar – in my case – you reach out to your sister’s in Christ and ask them to pray. And somehow you discover the answer to “Do you love me more than these?” is NO. There is stuff in my life, there are people in my life – or maybe just a person in my life – whom I have put on the throne.
And just like Jesus, we go home to our quiet and secret place and we hear God speak to us; “This isn’t just a matter of being aligned to my desires, this is sin. If you love anything more than me, let’s call it what it is.” I confessed that.
The message that Jesus delivered to Peter is a message for each one of us. Jesus is the only One who deserves the throne! And we know why He deserves the throne is to protect these people and things we are tempted to put on the throne.
Here is something I learned - if I put anybody or anything else on the throne, I have set them up for failure. Back in John 1, I confessed that I have been in a season of being buried in my expectations. You see, all the things I put on the throne will crush me, they will disappoint me, they will fail me. To protect them, I take them off the throne.
Lord Jesus, forgive us, forgive me, for putting a value on things that have no business being an idol. Only you deserve that position on the throne.
Thank you that you would remind us who You are. Don’t ever let us come casually to this throne. This is holy ground because You are a Holy God.