6:57 PM
Please read: Jude
How has the Pandemic affected your life? How has it affected your prayer
life? We are living in very dangerous times! In such a time like this many are
losing hope, and walking astray! How are you adjusting to this “new” life
style, or what some call “the new normality”?
How can we keep our faith immune and safe from Satan’s schemes of
deception? Back in John 10: 10, we learned from Jesus´ words that: “The
thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may
have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till
it overflows].”
Only through Jesus´ truths and by abiding in Him through
prayer can we live in fullness of joy and continue firm on our faith!
This is the purpose of Jude as he writes this
short letter to encourage us Christians to strengthen our faith and to warn us
against false teachers in the church (vs. 4-19).
“But you, beloved, build yourselves up on [the foundation of] your most holy
faith [continually progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], pray in
the Holy Spirit, 21 and keep yourselves in the love
of God, waiting anxiously and looking forward to the mercy of
our Lord Jesus Christ [which will bring you] to eternal life.” (vs. 20-21 AMP)
We must endure and keep
up the good fight (Mark 13.13, 1Timothy 6:12), but we need to be empowered by
God´s Holy Spirit and prayer is a must!
-Our prayers are most likely to prevail, when we pray
in the Holy Ghost, under his guidance and influence, according to the rule of
his word, with faith, fervency, and earnestness; this is praying in the Holy
Ghost. And a believing expectation of eternal life will arm us against the
snares of sin: lively faith in this blessed hope will help us to mortify our
lusts. We must watch over one another; faithfully, yet prudently reprove each
other, and set a good example to all about us. (M. Henry)
-Prayer is the breathing of the Christian life. So, to pray in the Holy Spirit is to be moved
and guided by the Holy Spirit in prayer. We pray by his power and according to
his direction. To pray "in the Holy Spirit" is to bring all your
praying into conformity to the Word of God which the Spirit inspired (2 Peter 1:21, 2 Timothy 3:16-17). Right here is where God's call to be in the Word
every day and his call to pray at all times in the Spirit become intertwined.
If you live in the Word of God, meditating on it day and night by reading it
every day and memorizing portions to carry with you all day and savoring them
hour by hour, then your prayers will be shaped by the Word. Which means they
will be shaped by the Spirit. (John Piper-desiringgod.org)
In verses 22-23 Jude calls us to extend God’s love and
compassion toward others. Especially those who are still not walking with the
Lord; those who are weak in their faith and to those who are astray:
“And have mercy on some, who are doubting; 23 save
others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy but with fear,
loathing even the clothing spotted and polluted by their
shameless immoral freedom.” (AMP)
There is so much work for
us in the kingdom of God: just take a look in your family circle or in the
lives of your closest friends… how about the families in your local church? We
need each other, and most of all we need of God’s Grace and Favor until Jesus´
And It is All For His Glory!!