
Jesus Dries The Tears of Mary {John 20}

4:00 PM

John 20

I love the example of faith shown by Mary Magdalene. Often people turn to the Lord, as they should, during times of trial. But after that trial has passed they put Christ on the back burner and go about their lives as before. But not Mary. After Jesus freed her from seven demons, in faith, she continued following Him even up to His crucifixion. And here in John 20 we find her at the tomb of the Lord. Expecting to see Roman Soldiers guarding the sealed tomb, instead to her shock and grief, Mary discovers the guards gone, the stone rolled away, and the body of her Master missing. 

Immediately Mary ran to find someone to tell, and came across Peter and "the other disciple whom Jesus loved", (many Bible scholars agree that this is John), telling them of Jesus' disappearance. After running back and finding the linens used to wrap Jesus lying in the empty tomb, the two disciples returned to their homes to continue hiding in fear from the Jews. But not Mary.

Mary Magdalene in her love and devotion for Jesus, stayed at that tomb grieving and broken hearted for her missing Savior. And it was while she was crying, that she peered inside and saw two angels. They asked her, “Woman, why are you weeping? “ (vs. 13) She explained how someone had taken away her Lord and she didn't know where to find Him. Now Mary might not have known where to find Jesus, but Jesus knew exactly where to find her. 

Suddenly, Mary immediately becomes aware of someone behind her. Although she doesn’t recognize Him, it's the Christ that she is so desperately searching for. Jesus asks her the same question as the angels, “Woman why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?"  Mistaking Him for the gardener, she asks where He has taken the body of her Lord. Jesus responds with, "Mary", and instantly her eyes are opened to who it is standing before her. Simply by calling her name, in that single moment Jesus dried her tears and healed her broken heart.

In John 10 Jesus tells us that He is our Good Shepherd who calls His own sheep by name and His sheep follow His voice. It was the name of Mary, spoken by Jesus, which opened her eyes to the truth. And upon seeing that truth, she fell to the feet of her Master, clinging to Him, refusing to let go. Jesus gently tells her she need not physically hold on to Him, for He had not yet ascended to the Father; after which no longer would He be known by sight or by touch but by faith. And in faith, after being given the command to go spread the news that Jesus is alive, off she joyfully goes to obey.

Like Mary, we all have wept and been broken hearted. We all have felt the ache of being separated from the Lord. We all have had moments of deep pain when we need most our own encounter with Jesus.  And thankfully, just like Mary, Jesus knows exactly where to find us. So listen for His voice. Let His love dry your tears and heal your heart. Follow where He leads, and cling to the love and promises of our Master. 


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