
Be Of Good Cheer! {John 16}

11:00 AM

 October 6, 2020

 John 16

 I pray that you are falling more in love with Jesus as you follow along with us in this amazing gospel of John!  And if you are, this is how we can turn sorrow into joy.

 We are now in John 16 and Jesus is talking to His disciples just before He is arrested and crucified.  This is only a short time after the triumphal entry and now Jesus is suddenly speaking about very dark and horrible things happening.  He spoke of a traitor in their midst and death.  Surely His disciples were feeling confused and frightened by what He said.  At the end of His discourse, Christ offers this encouragement and promise.

I picture Christ knowing the coming crucifixion, trying to give His disciples something they could hold onto during those three dark days; no matter how dark your trials, your challenges, your difficulties may seem, remember…

Christ has overcome the world!

The world says this is how you get cheer:

  1.  By diversion.  The world will convince us to go on vacations, go golfing, or get a hobby.  Some people are so deep in hobbies, they cannot find their dining room tables or get their car into their garage!  Most diversions are expensive and once you are done with your vacation, golf game or hobby, your trials are still with you,  God never said I’ll give you good cheer, but you’ll have to go somewhere to find it. 
  2.  By numbing.  The world says you can numb yourself and get good cheer.  The two biggest numbing agents in the world are drugs and alcohol.  It seems that people who don’t have Jesus in their lives, are trying to numb themselves to become cheerful.  Another area that seems to numb people is with electronics.  How often do you hear that someone just doesn’t have time to read their bible, but they spend hours on their electronic devices, drinking alcohol or doing drugs?  Listen ladies, God does not make good Christians on mountaintops!  He makes good Christians in the valleys.  
  3. Resigning yourself.  The world says if you cannot get good cheer by diversion or numbing, then you hear the phrase, “Well, it’s just the way life is.”  Remember Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh?  He was always gloomy and dark.  “I guess you just have to take it the way it is.”

Have you ever considered that your face is God’s billboard? 

 God says,


How does God give us good cheer?

 1)      By transformation.  God transforms each one of us through our trials/tribulations.  He does not do it by substituting a distraction (diversion, numbing, or resignation).  God will not give us a different toy like we do with a child.  He will transform us through our tribulation.  We sometimes go to God like that don’t we?  Just give me something that will make me happy.  God is literally going to take the trial and transform us into a person of good cheer.  In this world, there is going to be stuff that is trying to knock the fire out of you.


As difficult as it may be to do – remember to thank God for the tribulation – because He is going to make you into what you are supposed to be.  Instead of praying, “God make this go away”, we should be praying, “God don’t make this go away until you make me what I need to be.” 

  1. 2)     God will give us good cheer by understanding that God is in control.  Yes, this can also be exceedingly difficult because most of us will pray that God would just end the trial so we can move on.  But prayer is the key to being a recipient of good cheer.  And be specific with God – what is it that you really want?  “Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.  Until now you have not asked for anything in my name.  Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” (v. 23)

 Satan really loves it if you are trying to figure it out all on your own.  I heard something that hopefully you will remember.  When you are at your darkest moment and trying to figure it all out, as if your desire is the best possible outcome, like you have E.S.P., remember this:

 E enough

S sense

P to pray

 We go to the valley bewildered – but we are commanded to be of good cheer!



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