
The Secret to Contentment {Ephesians 1}

10:00 PM

What kind of life do you think brings contentment? Is it one with few troubles and great successes? Perhaps it’s one that comes with good health, financial security, and a loving family. Interestingly, the Apostle Paul didn’t have any of these particular qualities in his life, yet he wrote to the Philippians that he had learned the secret of being content (Philippians 4:12).

There were several times in my life when I battled with being content. In fact, I was far from being content! I was miserable! The problem was, I could justify my lack of contentment or longing for something I didn’t have at the moment. 

The first time I needed a larger house. Despite the fact that larger homes come with larger mortgages and the money would have to come from somewhere, in my mind it was a necessity! We had outgrown our current house even though it was adequate and in a nice neighborhood and the rest of the family was content to remain right where we were.
The second time, I wanted me children back. One was out of college and living on her own and the other was in college. Both, were thousands of miles away; much too far for me! I wanted them to at least be close, if not under my roof. And each time the spoiled brat became evident in me! (I know this may come as a shock to you, but I’ll always claim to be the bratty sister in the family, and often wonder how the Lord puts up with me at times.) 
The Lord did eventually fulfill both of these longing far better than my finite mind could have dreamed, but it wasn’t until He helped me to discover what Paul’s secret to contentment was! His secret, that He had been trying to tell me for years! Oh sure, I had read over it many times before until I finally saw it for myself and truly understood. Take a look,
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” (Eph 1:3)

Did you catch it? The secret Paul discovered was to focus on his position in the Lord, not on what this world offers us.
I know finding and holding onto contentment in our media-driven world can sometimes be hard! There will always be something bigger or better to buy and someone else who has all we desire.
But think about this a moment:
·        We were chosen (hand-picked by God) before the world began to be holy and blameless! (1:4)
·        Predestined to be adopted into His family. Given all the rights of son-ship. (1:5)
·        We’ve been accepted into the beloved by His grace that He lavishes upon us. (1:6)
·        And through Jesus we’ve been forgiven and redeemed (bought by His blood, so that nothing can change our standing in God’s family. (1;7)
·        We’ve received not only His grace, which He lavishes on us, but His wisdom and understanding as well! (1:8)
·        He has also made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure. (1:9)
·        AND when you believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,  who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance (1:13b-14a)

There is so much more if time would only allow me to tell it all! Suffice it to say, Ephesians chapter 1-3, are a wonderful place to sit when we’re dealing with a longing for more, for the truth is, we deserved hell and received mercy! Not because of anything we had done, but purely because of all Christ Jesus did for us, and because we never did anything to earn it, our position in God’s family can never be taken away!
Jesus took care of our greatest problem and drank the cup of condemnation so that we could drink of the cup of blessings! Blessings already bestowed to us! We don’t even have to earn all those blessings; they’re ours already. “Every spiritual blessing in Christ” is ours!
When I think of all this, I can’t help NOT feeling blessed beyond measure.

I also can not lie to you, there are still times when I catch myself longing for something more, but I’ve honestly, like Paul, have learned the secret that brings me back to being perfectly content in Christ Jesus and all He has already done for me.

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