A Case for Discipleship {2Timothy 2}
12:00 AM
If you knew you were at the end of your life; with perhaps a matter of days or weeks left to live, what would you want to say to those you love most in a letter?
I’ve always approached the Book of 2 Timothy a bit differently knowing that this is the last of Paul’s letters; written to the one he considered to be his spiritual son (1Tim 1:2). I seem to open it with a bit of sadness (not really sure why) and a desire to dig to discover the weightiness of his last words. Paul writes his second letter to Timothy sometime after his second arrest in 67AD. This prison was much more severe than his house arrest we studied earlier, and somehow Paul knows he’s going to be martyred, rather than released this time. (2 Tim 4:6) Which is why I tend to think these words carry a bit more weight, for wouldn’t your words as well, if you knew this might be your last chance to share them?
There is so much here to write on, that I’ve struggled for several days trying to decide on what I should write about until I was finally given the “go-ahead” from the Lord to write on what I’m most passionate about. And you’ll see this is one area where Paul and I each share the same heart!! He starts right off with it here in chapter 2 with, “So you, my son, be strong and empowered in the grace that is [to be found only] in Christ Jesus. The things which you have heard me teach in the presence of many witnesses, entrust [as a treasure] to reliable and faithful men who will also be capable and qualified to teach others. (2 Timothy 2:1-2)
Did you catch it? This was Paul’s plan to grow the church! I have always liken verse 2 to a chain-linked fence with each member of the body connected to a more mature believer as he/she also connects and teaches a younger one(s), in order that they too will be able to teach others. Have you ever tried to break a chain-linked fence before!? If every church followed Paul’s plan no one would be left out and everyone would be ministering to others while they were being ministering to! Just imagine how God’s church would grow and mature! It would be a force to be reckoned with for sure! Can you see why Paul and I are so passionate about what is known as discipleship today!?
First let me share how I believe this plan is laid out and then I’d like to share a more personal testimony:
-- First, Christians need to abide/rely in the power of Christ. (v.2:1) Paul has already reminded Timothy in 2 Tim 1:7 that God has not given him a spirit of fear, but power, love and self-control.
Paul is assuring Timothy and us that we need to rely on the abiding power of Christ in us to bring this all about! None of us would ever be fully adequate for the task on our own, but all God needs is a yielded vessel.
-- Second, We all must remember that Jesus, Himself commanded ALL of us to, “Go and make disciples in Mt 28:18-20, “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” These were some of Jesus’ last words to his disciples and now Paul is charging Timothy with the same command.
-- Third, Our goal is to reproduce faithful men and women. We need to be investing in other believers with the mindset that they will soon be investing & teaching others.
I believe disciple-making happens best through intentional, intimate relationships with other believers. Jesus’ command to love one another (Jn 13:34) is carried out through our relationships with others. Here are a few more commands along the same line and most given by Paul:
- Be in agreement with one another (Rom. 12:16).
- Accept one another (Rom. 15:7).
- Instruct one another (Rom. 15:14).
- Greet one another (Rom. 16:16).
- Serve one another (Gal. 5:13).
- Be kind and compassionate to one another (Eph. 4:32).
- Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ (Eph. 5:21).
- Admonish one another with all wisdom (Col. 3:16).
- Encourage one another, and build each other up (1 Thess. 5:11).
- Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another (James 5:16).
It all boils down to, “doing life together!” Dietrich Bonhoeffer said it best: “Sin demands to have a man by himself. It withdraws him from the community. The more isolated a person is, the more destructive will be the power of sin over him.” Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” and I believe this was Paul’s intent here. Together we’re going to grow closer to one another as we grow closer to our Lord.
About this time last year, I became convicted by Jesus’ command in Mt 28:18-20. Suddenly I, as the “clay”, could no longer tell the “Potter” that I was too busy and not interested in making disciples, so I surrendered my time and will to Him and sent out an invitation to “friends” on Facebook. I committed to investing in as many as He would send, and six women accepted the invitation, making a group of seven. We started out as an eclectic group of strangers; some single, some married, some with children, some without! Most of us are living in the same town, but one lives thousands of miles away and joins us through the internet each time we meet. (She has also made a few trips down to join us in person as well)
As soon as our group was set and even before our first meeting, I set up a group text as our main form of communications during the week. This way everyone receives the information all at the same time. The group started off quiet, but it wasn't long before we were texting throughout the day; some serious needs and some craziness. I think this has been one of the best means to draw us together as one.
I feel I must reiterate however, this has been The Lord's group! From the very beginning, He brought us all together, and He has blessed us incredibly since!! I liken my role as leader as throwing a tiny atom into the mix and watching the whole thing mushroom! I think the neatest part as a leader is being able to watch the Lord work in each life, and collectively as a group! From the very first night, the level of sharing dropped down into such a level of intimacy that you don't often reach in other groups.
We started out in January of this year as strangers and now we are forever sisters! Only God can make that happen in such a short time! Our faith has grown tremendously over these months as we've each leaned on the Lord and one another to help us step out of our comfort zones in order to grow! We've each given and received unconditional support that has helped us all to move further along on this journey!
I have loved this journey and have been so incredibly blessed this year by all the Lord has done and continues to do!! Nothing would please me more than to encourage all of you to take this step of faith and begin to form your own groups for next year!! I've listed a bit of the dynamics below to get you started, and I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have! This is truly of the Lord, for only the enemy would hate for you to be blessed as we've been, therefore the first step is always one of surrender and looking to Him to fulfill the desire now planted in your heart! <3
First Photo of All of Us Except Ginger. (Sandra's On the iPad) |
As soon as our group was set and even before our first meeting, I set up a group text as our main form of communications during the week. This way everyone receives the information all at the same time. The group started off quiet, but it wasn't long before we were texting throughout the day; some serious needs and some craziness. I think this has been one of the best means to draw us together as one.
Women's Conference We Attended Together |
I feel I must reiterate however, this has been The Lord's group! From the very beginning, He brought us all together, and He has blessed us incredibly since!! I liken my role as leader as throwing a tiny atom into the mix and watching the whole thing mushroom! I think the neatest part as a leader is being able to watch the Lord work in each life, and collectively as a group! From the very first night, the level of sharing dropped down into such a level of intimacy that you don't often reach in other groups.
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Our Whole Group Together Again Sept '17 |
I have loved this journey and have been so incredibly blessed this year by all the Lord has done and continues to do!! Nothing would please me more than to encourage all of you to take this step of faith and begin to form your own groups for next year!! I've listed a bit of the dynamics below to get you started, and I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have! This is truly of the Lord, for only the enemy would hate for you to be blessed as we've been, therefore the first step is always one of surrender and looking to Him to fulfill the desire now planted in your heart! <3
- Find a time that works for all
- Each commit to meeting together every week for one year unless providentially hindered.
- Commit to keeping everything shared in the group confidential.
- Begin a group text so that all of you can keep in touch throughout the week.
- Supply 3-ring binders for everyone divided into sections with pockets (prayer, evangelism, Scripture memory, journalling, etc.)
- Each person commits to a daily Bible time including prayer and journalling what God is saying to you each day (You can use the study on WitW as a guideline. This way you’re all studying the same chapters)
- At some point write out and share a 3 minute testimony as to how you came to faith in Christ.
- Each person has the same verse(s) of Scripture to memorize each week.
- Each read one chapter from a book selected to be discussed during your meeting.
- Books should include one on discipleship, one on prayer, one on evangelism - different areas of our walk as Christians. Two, I’d recommend: Growing Up- by, Robby Galenty and Reclaiming Surrendered Ground- by, Jim Logan
Weekly Meetings: (1 ½ hours long)
- Reciting memory verse to one another.
- Share how God has been speaking to you this week.
- Share any prayer requests
- Book discussion
- Close in prayer
Hi Everyone!
If you enjoyed this post I'd like to personally invite you to join me and an awesome, eclectic group of women from all over the world on a Facebook site we call, Women in the Word . We are currently traveling through the entire New Testament - one chapter a day! It has been such an incredibly journey which we want to share with you! So, if you've ever wanted to know more of what God's Word has to say about everything, and meet and make new friends from all over the world, come join us by clicking on this link .
There will always be someone there to welcome you! Oh! And please feel free to invite others!
God bless you,