12:00 AM
Welcome to Scripture Saturday!
Today we are memorizing Hebrews 4:16…
Therefore let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at the the proper time.
And again in the amplified version…
Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the throne of grace [that is, the throne of God’s gracious favor] with confidence and without fear, so that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment].
Oh how rich this verse is!
Time and time again I have witnessed, have personally experienced, this amazing mercy and grace in my time of need and most recently which I’d like to share…
My husband, Rick, is not a believer, yet knows of my faith in Christ, my desire to follow Him in all things and to pray to Him for all things (including for him). Recently, we made the decision that it would be best to move his mother from where she is to closer to us into an assistant living situation. We both knew that convincing her would not be easy. She loves her independence, yet requires much help because of illness and age, and being far from home that made it difficult. Rick needed to visit her and present our case. So I called upon my prayer warriors - my Christian sisters! I and my sisters approached the throne of grace with boldness and confidence without fear and prayed that God would go before Rick arrives and soften his mother’s heart. And of course, our Father came running to the rescue! She immediately said yes-no hesitation! Our Father reached down to Rick, his mother and I, and touched us with His grace! Praised Him! Glory to God! I believe in my heart that Rick experienced how important prayer is, and how God can come and bless us through our prayers, confidence in Christ, and His love, at just the right moment! What a great testimony of His faithfulness!
I know that we all have testimonies like mine. I pray that we all experience ,on a daily basis, through our prayers and supplications, His great mercy and grace!
Have a blessed and precious day everyone!
I'd like to personally invite you to join me and a wonderful, eclectic group of women from all over the world on a Facebook site we call, Women in the Word . We are currently traveling through the entire New Testament - one chapter a day! It has been such an incredibly journey which we want to share with you!
So, if you've ever wanted to know more of what God's Word has to say about everything, and meet and make new friends from all over the world, come join us by clicking on this link .
There will always be someone there to welcome you! Oh! And please feel free to invite others!
I'd like to personally invite you to join me and a wonderful, eclectic group of women from all over the world on a Facebook site we call, Women in the Word . We are currently traveling through the entire New Testament - one chapter a day! It has been such an incredibly journey which we want to share with you!
So, if you've ever wanted to know more of what God's Word has to say about everything, and meet and make new friends from all over the world, come join us by clicking on this link .
There will always be someone there to welcome you! Oh! And please feel free to invite others!