
Dear Daughter

12:00 AM

Dear Daughter

By, Lisa Williams

I have seen you every moment, through all the sands of time.

I was so delighted that when I called, you became Mine

I have been with you every day loving you, more than the numbers of sands in the sea.

You came to me, please know I made you free.

I did not unchain you so you could be captured again.

Come give Me all of you so you can rest, My friend.

Please meet Me in the garden in the cool of the day.

Read My words of truth; hear My whispers and all I say.

Eagerly and boldly come in to the throne room of your King.

Worshiping, Praying, Praising, requesting with every word you bring.

I want to bless you so that you also can be My witness.

Have faith in My Promises My beloved princess.

My Wisdom, The Light of My Son, and My Holy Spirit can flow through you.

Even in your weakness other will still see Me; and you can boast of all I do.

Please be a living testimony of all My grace.

This way others will hear Me when I ask them to seek My face

All of creation testifies of My love so it is no mystery.

However, I see where My truths are confused by the enemy.

For you are in My kingdom for such a time as this, to find My lost sheep

Please trust and have faith allow Me to bring you deep.

Stand on My words of truth and apply them to your everyday.

Please die to self so I will brightly light the way.

All of this I have tried to tell you before.

My word is living and needs nothing more.

However, I am patient and long suffering.

Please allow me to be King over everything.

Love your,

Sovereign King

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