If Only - Psalm 81
11:00 AM
We all know the truth that hindsight is 20/20. Because there isn’t a single person who hasn’t looked back at past mistakes and uttered the words, “If only”. If only I had heeded another’s warning. If only I had trusted my gut instincts. If only I had made a different choice. Regret is a powerful emotion. One that keeps us in bondage and stuck in the past. That’s why our Heavenly Father cries out, “Oh that My people would listen to Me!” (vs. 13)
As Christian’s our greatest goal is to walk hand in hand with God. To have a close, personal, relationship with the One who knows us best. But to walk with God, we have to listen to God. For as Dr. Charles Stanley says, “Our God is not silent. He speaks to us in a way that we can hear Him, receive His message, and obey Him. He is infinite, fully capable of communicating with each of us right where we are.” All we need do is listen. But how do hear from God?
One of the greatest ways God speaks is through His Word. When we study the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit points us to truths that come directly from God. Other times God speaks to us through teachers or fellow believers. It may a pastor’s sermon, a Bible study, or a Christian friend’s advice. We even hear from God through worship. Because worship allows God to penetrate our minds and hearts. And He inhabits the praise of His people. (Ps. 22:3)
Many are the ways in which God speaks. Which is why it’s so important to listen for and obey His voice. Israel learned the hard way the pain of regret. And from her mistakes, can we save ourselves the pain of, “If only.” And in the process receive some amazing promises. For those who listen to God can expect an abundance of blessings, their foes subdued before them, and to be fed only the finest of wheat and honey! (vs. 10, 14,16)
Pause and Reflect -
Did you know the word listen contains the same letters as silent? After you finish talking to God do you give Him a chance to reply, or do you just go about your day? Israel didn’t hear from God because they were living in disobedience. Is there anything in your life standing before God? Are there areas in which you need to submit to His will?
Finally, let’s pray together,
Our dearest Father in heaven above, hallowed be Thy name. Father we sing aloud to You. For You alone are our strength, our joy, and our inheritance. May we have ears set to listen to your still, small, voice. And may Your Holy Spirit speak to us as we wait for wisdom, insight, and direction. Father whatever You show us, or direct us to do, may we obey quickly, trusting in Your perfect will. For Father we long to draw near to You, so help us sense your loving presence and to listen as you speak. In Jesus's precious name, we pray, Amen.
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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.