
Freedom from Anxiety {Psalm 34}

12:00 AM

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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Anxiety = a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.  (Dictionary.com)

Fear and anxiety sneaks into my heart and mind without permission.  It is one of the enemy’s most popular weapons that he uses against us.  Worry, anxiety, fear, whatever you want to call it, can overwhelm us with a thick shadow of darkness, controlling our every move and decision.   It paints a picture of helplessness and hopelessness.  It stops our peace and concentration. 

What causes me anxiety?  I am concerned about the health and safety of my loved ones.  I worry about the possibility of addiction and death (I’ve worked for a drug unit for 16 years and my first husband died at 39 years of age).  I worry about the relationships, careers, and lifestyles my children get into.  I worry that they won’t believe.  What I have found is that fear/anxiety/worry turns my focus inward and reveals a heart that sometimes finds it difficult to trust. 

Just this process of having a topical study has pushed me to address this issue head on – and this is only our second week!!  When the worries strike and I was pressed to study Psalm 34, I realized that we all need to learn to “let go and let God”.  When we pray or hand over to God what is stacking up in our hearts and minds, He sees that we truly believe and trust in Him that He is in control of whatever is burdening us.  Once He knows our hearts and minds have truly surrendered the anxiety causing disturbance, He takes over and we are at peace with Him (2 Peter 3:14). 

“But those who seek the Lord lack no good thing” (Psalm 34:10b).  It all boils down to making a choice, and it’s not always easy.  I can choose not to allow fear and anxiety to control my life.  I can choose to guard my own heart.  I can choose to focus my mind on what is true in the midst of uncertain times.  David wrote the Psalm after pretending to be insane in order to escape from King Achish (1 Samuel 21:10-15) – that certainly was a time of uncertainty!
 Image result for Psalm 34:5

It is true, once you learn to trust God – that means, truly surrendering what doesn’t belong to you, you will be able to claim “taste and see that the Lord is good” and just how “blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” (34:8)

I know that I still have moments of anxiety, but God is truly with me.  I have to make the choice to believe.  I may not be in control, but I can trust the One who is.  I definitely do not know the future, but I know the God who does.

All that stuff that’s on your mind – Give it to Him – again!  Replace those fearful thoughts with His word.  God knows what concerns you – He’s got you covered!

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