Scripture Saturday ~ Joshua 1:9 ~ Wherever you go! ~ Overcoming Fear
12:00 AMSaturday, January 19, 2019
Welcome to Scripture Saturday!
This coming week's memory verse is Joshua 1:9...
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (NIV)
What fears do you face? Name them. What personal battles do you have to fight, or what strange land are you about to enter? As God promised Joshua, so He extends the same promise to you…There is no place you can go that God is not, and nothing He will ask you to do that He will not first prepare you for.
Remember that Joshua drew strength not from his own physical or emotional resources but rather from the promise of the presence of God. Review today’s memory verse again, but substitute your own name when “you” is used. Rest in His promise. (iWorship)
Have a blessed day and week everyone!