
Self Image -The Lord Looks At The Heart {1 Sam. 16:1-12}

12:00 AM

My beloved child, you are precious, and a delight to Me”....Love God
Charged with anointing the next king of Israel, Samuel traveled to Bethlehem; to the house of Jesse. As Jesse presented each of his sons before Him, Samuel thought that surely one of these fine looking men must be God’s choice. Even a godly man like Samuel couldn’t help but make a judgement based on appearance. But the Lord warned Samuel saying, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (vs. 16:7) God’s pick was David. The youngest of seven and not even considered, where the world saw an insignificant shepherd boy of little worth, God saw the heart of a great and faithful man. A man after His own heart, and a man He called beloved.

As women, we are constantly bombarded with the ridiculous and often unattainable expectations of the world. Through television, movies, and social media, daily we are told that our worth is dependent upon our looks, our talents, and how many followers and likes we can get. So when our own lives seem to fall short in comparison, no wonder we find ourselves depressed, envious, and wrapped up in a game of, “if only”. Yet today's society is a fickle bunch whose tastes and ideals are constantly changing. And the truth is that no one, absolutely no one can obtain the false perfection that it eagerly worships. We need to get off the hamster wheel to nowhere that tries to find our worth through the superficial eyes of the world. For true self worth comes from not from a worldly identity, but rather a godly one.

He chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.” (Ephesians 1:4) 

Did you know the word “beloved” appears nearly 120 times throughout the Bible? It’s a word reserved for those who are adored, cherished, treasured, and greatly loved. And just as God called David beloved, so He calls us. He created each of us intentionally, purposefully, and lovingly. He calls us beautiful, valuable, wanted, and His. And unlike the world who turns away when the shine fades from our star, His love never falters, never fails, and never grows cold. So the next time you find the world trying to define your worth and the Enemy whispering lies of inadequacy in your ears, remember this. You are a daughter of the most high God. There is no Hollywood trophy, no social media following, nor worldly accolade that could compare with the value of knowing one day we will spend eternity dwelling and reigning with the Lord. So wear your crown proudly, have a heart longing to serve God, and never forget, you are loved, you are loved, you are loved! 

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