Walking in Wisdom- Blindness from the Heart (John 9)
8:30 PM
Please read John 9:
In today’s scripture we read about the wonderful experience of a man who
was blind from birth, and received the miracle of his sight through Jesus! What
an amazing and special day this would have been for him if it hadn’t caused so
much controversy…
-The healed man was brought to the Pharisees and had to explain how he was healed and if he knew the man
who did so
-It was a Sabbath when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes, so Jesus
was accused of being a sinner and also “of nof being from God”
-The man´s parents were also questioned by the Pharisees.
-The man was interrogated by the Pharisees a second time; but this time
he answered something they did not like and they cast him out!
“All who have felt the power and grace of the Lord Jesus, wonder at the
willfulness of others who reject him. He argues strongly against them, not only
that Jesus was not a sinner, but that he was of God. We may each of us know by
this, whether we are of God or not…” Matthew Henry
In Verses 35-37 we
read Jesus heard what happened to this man, and He went and found him and asked:
“Do you believe in the
Son of Man?” 36 He answered, “Who is
He, Sir? Tell me so that I may believe in Him.” 37 Jesus
said to him, “You have both seen Him, and [in fact] He is the one who is
talking with you.” 38 And
he said, “Lord, I believe [in You and Your word]!” And he worshiped Him [with
reverence and awe]. 39 Then Jesus said, “I came into this world
for judgment [to separate those who believe in Me from those
who reject Me—to declare judgment on those who choose to be separated from
God], so that the sightless would see, and those who see
would become blind.”
Wow the man immediately
responded calling Jesus “Lord” and confessing his faith in Him and bowing
before Him in worship!
He not only experienced healing but a new
life through Christ, and this made him more confident in the one who had healed
him, in spite of the persecution and suffering he experienced. He gained not
only physical sight but also spiritual sight as he moved from seeing Jesus as
more than a mere man. He saw Him as a Prophet sent by God and finally he saw
Him as Lord and master of his life!
And then Jesus clearly stated His mission of
judgment for which He came to earth. The heart and work of Jesus as He stated
was so that the blind may see and those who think
they see become blind.
Jesus was saying is that it is impossible to stay neutral about Him: you
either believe and receive spiritual enlightenment, or you don’t and remain
Since my youth I´ve had the opportunity to relate to people who had this
same disability: I had a friend from Church that became blind due to a juvenile
diabetes and over the years I had the opportunity to care for one special
person in my family, who became blind due to Glaucoma until she went home to
Both cases had the same issue: physical blindness. But there was a very
great difference between them: my friend from Church although he also gradually
lost his sight until he became blind, he could “clearly see” a purpose in this
situation and in his life. He could spiritually perceive and understand much
more than many of us at Church. He was a young man who deeply loved and served
the Lord! He took his suffering and gave it over to God!
In the second case, she was an adult woman who also gradually lost her
sight, but even though as a family we had witnessed to her, she would not let
go of her self -pity and pride which hardened her heart. She knew Jesus as her
Savior but not as the Lord of her life, which kept her with a stronghold and also
blind from the Truth!
It is true that we as Christians will suffer
for the cause of Christ. But the
difference is when this suffering is an opportunity to glorify God, for we know
He has a purpose and a plan for this and that it will result in our good and
the good of others.
As my friend, we should let the suffering shape
and mold us. Some people would never choose to suffer the way God allows them
to suffer. But –as my friend- they also would not give it up because of how they
came to know God through it!
Jesus was “a stumbling block to
the Jews” (9:39-41), we should not follow in their steps for it will only lead
to death and destruction. Instead, take His light of truth that you have been
given and accept it by faith. Then walk in the light of that truth in faith and
obedience (John 8:12).
“Father: I thank you for moving into my life
and meeting my deepest needs. Thank you for loving me enough to accept me the
way I am, and for loving me too much to leave me the way I was. May my changed
life be a clear testimony to your power,
grace and love” (iWorship Bible)