
Do You Believe? {John 11}

11:00 AM

 Tuesday, September 29, 2020

 John 11

 I’ve been discussing a difficult situation with a close friend and I admitted to her that I’ve felt like both Mary and Martha when they told Jesus, “If you had not delayed Lazarus wouldn’t be dead.”

 It seems we are very restless as we wait on Jesus.  At least I am.  But there is something I learned while sitting here in Chapter 11.  The New Testament teaches that God the Father raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 6:4; Acts 2:32).  Just yesterday, we read John 10


Jesus has the authority to raise from the dead whomever He will – including Himself.

 What makes this situation I have been sharing with my friend so difficult is this division of believing in Jesus (v. 5-6).  As unbelief leads us to sin and since sin leads to death, I have a sincere concern for the person(s) involved in this situation.  The sin of unbelief leads to death.

 I have often said I don’t understand why it’s so difficult to believe for some.  Life is tough.  I know I’ve had my own personal hardships.  But faith in Jesus Christ for destroying my death sentence, keeps me going.  I know my own sins place me where I deserve to die.  Some people can try to tell me, “we are all good people”, true, there are a lot of good people out there – but not in heaven.  Romans 5:6-8 tells us this – but we must believe.

 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 is written on the front cover of my bible.  I was once told to change the word ‘love’ to God, because we know that God is love.  But on this journey called life, we believers are striving to reflect the love of Christ and if God and Christ are one, then try changing ‘love’ to your name.  Now, don’t beat yourself up here when you don’t measure up.

 ***The Power of Sin is the Law

 Do you believe?  Picture yourself with Jesus standing next to you, like He did to Martha.  “Do you believe?  If you do – I will be your resurrection.  If you don’t – I won’t”.

 In Luke 16, someone pleaded with Jesus to send a Christian who had died back from the dead so that his family would believe.  Here’s what Jesus said, “If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets {if they do not see enough of my truth and glory and beauty in God’s Word} neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.”

 A few days after Lazarus was raised from the dead, Jesus came to Lazarus’ house with His disciples to have dinner (John 12:1-8).  Here’s a guy who was dead for 4 days and now he’s sitting across the room – he’s alive and well.  And the disciples had witnessed it!  Including Judas!  Mary takes some expensive ointment and puts it on Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair.  It was a lavish way of saying, “Thank you.  I love you.”  Ladies, this is what believing looks like.  Loving Jesus so much you will give Him everything you believe is valuable.

 But Judas was angry.  Four days ago he saw Lazarus raised from the dead.  He was now having dinner with him.  Why was he so angry?  (John 12:5-7) Because he loved money.

 If you don’t believe in Jesus – if He’s not your trusted Savior – it’s not because you lack sufficient evidence that He is true and glorious and beautiful.  It’s because you love something more.


This one-of-a-kind death.

 This one-of-a-kind resurrection has been carried out by

 This one-of-a-kind Person

 Who is more valuable and more beautiful than anything you could possibly possess (even your children)

 And He offers Himself

Freely to everyone!

 I’m sure we all know someone who doesn’t believe or someone struggling to believe.  Perhaps today we should offer our time to pray for the unbelievers to see the glory of Jesus.

 Perhaps today would be a good day to ask God what may be in the way of loving Him entirely.  Is it money?  Is it your time?  Is it food or a drink?  Is it someone?  Is it your pride?  Are you seeking something for yourself – instead of God receiving the glory?  Everything must be crucified with Christ to experience that complete joy in Christ.



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