Can I Be A Witness? {John 1}
11:00 AM
1, Scripture for Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Welcome back ladies! I pray you have had a restful summer and are ready to dive into our study. Today we begin in John and if you are like me, John is an all-time favorite.
There has been a lot going on during our break from writing for me personally. I went from good to bad more often than I really want to admit. The phrase “new normal” just made me cringe!
Then one day, after asking for prayers from my sister’s in Christ, I heard Jesus say to me, “Sit down!” It was a command. Sit down!
Here at Women in the Word, we are sharing posts from the past and Hebrews 8 was the scripture and the post shared was one I had written in the fall of 2017. (click here to read) God certainly has a sense of humor because my thought process of “new normal” was not very reflective of a follower of Him. Satan’s aim is to diminish the supremacy and All-Sufficiency of Jesus.
Today begins the Gospel of John. I know I say this often, but we are at one of my favorite books in the bible. This book is a complete story of Jesus – beginning, middle and end. It begins with the “Son or Word of God” who was “made flesh, and dwelt among us”. John shows us Jesus’ relationship with His Heavenly Father.
And this is where I had to sit down!
“But to all who receive Him, who believe in His name, He gave power to become children of God.”
I was reading a fantastic book that a few ladies will be reading together soon, “The Good and Beautiful God.” And the chapter that I just finished helped all that was out of sync in me to be reset.
I am a child of God - with power!
Some days are just so hard! I have worked so hard to raise my children, to make a comfortable home and enjoy my family and friends only to have my expectations bury me alive. Quite literally, I have been in a long season of feeling like I could not handle another blow to my expectations! Buried!
“In Christ I am no longer to be defined by
sin. I have been reconciled. Sin has been defeated.
The New Testament does not set Jesus apart from His followers, those who put their confidence in Jesus are also inhabited by Him. Christians are people Christ dwells in.” (page 154 – “The Good and Beautiful God”)
You are one in whom Christ dwells. Your glory is not in what you do, but in who you are. It is in our weakness that God’s power is revealed. We are witnesses out of our brokenness. We heal others through our vulnerability because that is where Christ shines most brightly!
Oh ladies! I pray you are on fire to hear all John has to say about Jesus! See you tomorrow!