In Need of Our Shepherd {Jeremiah 50-52}
9:00 PM
Chapters 50-51 deal with the defeat of Babylon. Babylon was the means by which God would punish Judah. But later, Babylon would not continue to be powerful in the world. This was because of its own sins. The people from Judah and Israel should not forget their Lord (50:4-5)
“My people have become lost sheep;
Their shepherds have led them astray.
They have made them turn aside [to the seductive places of idolatry] on the mountains.
They have gone along [from one sin to another] from mountain to hill;
They have forgotten their [own] resting place. (50:6)
And go out of the land of the Chaldeans;
Be like the male goats [who serve as leaders] at the head of the flocks.” (50:8)
God’s people had set their hopes in their earthly shepherds: the kings, the priests, and the false prophets. They caused the people -the sheep- to go the wrong way. So the people have gone to the high hills where they worshipped the Baals (Jeremiah 2:20). God’s people had forgotten that the Lord was their true shepherd! (Psalm 23) The Lord had provided everything they needed, but they let their hearts be hardened by their sins and lusts!
Revelation 18:4 refers to the wicked country called Babylon. The name “Babylon” refers to the wicked world that opposes the Lord. It refers to the power that opposes God's people.
How different is it now from Jeremiah’s days? Today people are prisoners of the wealth and the pleasures of this world!
“Wander away from the midst of Babylon
Even today Christians may hesitate to leave behind what this world offers and neglect their ministry and testimony! We must not forget that our true home is in heaven. (Phil. 3:20)
“Babylon shall be wholly desolated; for she hath sinned against the Lord. Sin makes men a mark for the arrows of God’s judgments. The mercy promised to the Israel of God, shall not only accompany, but arise from the destruction of Babylon. These sheep shall be gathered from the deserts, and put again into good pasture. All who return to God and their duty, shall find satisfaction of soul in so doing. Deliverances out of trouble are comforts indeed, when fruits of the forgiveness of sin.” M. Henry
Yes, Babylon’s power is like the power of all proud enemies of the Lord, and it will end!! (Revel. 18:9,19) Our God has provided the Way to free all those who are still captive in their sins: Jesus, the Door for the sheep; the Good Shepherd! (John 10:1-18) To give Salvation and eternal life!!
May we humbly follow our Good Shepherd, even if we may find difficulties on our path. May we exercise our spiritual ear (Ro. 10:17), so we can always listen to His voice and pay attention to His call (John 10:16), so we can sing with the Psalmist: “Surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days] in the house and in the presence of the Lord.” (Psalm 23)
This is my prayer today.
This is my prayer today.