Reading God’s Word with Intention

9:34 AM

We are studying about the early church and it is truly heartwarming to think about the beginnings of a ministry that spread to every corner of the world.  God blessed the gathering of His people together and worked through the unity and growth of everyday people like you and I. Every single person was important. Every single person brought unique insight and perspective to share. Every person was given unique talents, gifts, resources and experiences meant to encourage, teach and uplift the others. It didn't matter how young, how old, how rich, how poor, how popular, how common, how intelligent, what race, what background, what upbringing, etc. God chose to work through all. All that mattered was a heart that was seeking God. 

Think about those intimate groups of people who met in each other’s homes and shared their love and passion for Christ together. Together they studied the Scriptures and learned as the Holy Spirit taught them and molded them day by day. I have been blessed to be part of an intimate home group in my neighborhood.  During the week, we study God’s Word with intention (I’ll explain that next). We then share if so led what God showed us from our intentional reading of a particular focus chapter. It never ceases to amaze me how many different “ mini sermons” come out of the same focus chapter each week. But, if I really think about makes perfect sense. Why? Because God loves to work in that way! Something He shows me may be something you have never thought about or experienced before. Something he shows you may touch a chord in my heart and be just the thing that God wanted to use to speak to me. God loves on us and teaches us, and blesses us through other people. 

Why am I writing about this? It’s to encourage all of our readers who join us each day via the ministry of Women in the Word to recognize that you have something to contribute to our group of ladies who gather to share God’s Word. We welcome your comments and questions because your unique experiences and thoughts may bless us or one of our readers. 

If studying God’s Word is new to you or just seems a bit overwhelming...relax! 
God wants to meet with you in the intimacy of His Word and His Holy Spirit can guide you, whether a new believer or seasoned disciple. There is always something new to be revealed. Reading God’s Word with intention is a simple way to dive in and dialogue with God. As you read a passage, ask yourself these questions?
  1. What jumped out at me?
  2. Why did it jump out at me?
  3. How is it going to impact or change my life?
Of course, pray and talk with God about it and ask Him to show you what He wants you to learn.
It might be helpful to keep a journal of your ponderings. God wants to reveal Himself to you and He wants you to share with others. We at Women In The Word want to encourage you in that endeavor!  You can share on our fb page, blog or our private fb group (links are on the R side of our blog page).
Have a blessed weekend in His Word!

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