Sinners In Need
11:00 AM
What is the glory of God? Well, that’s hard to define but the Bible tells us that the world is full of it. God created this world and filled it with the splendor of his glory. Every created thing, being, or person points to the Creator and has intrinsic value given by the Creator. Creation showcases a supreme being who is beyond what creation can fathom. We catch glimpses but we can’t fully comprehend the perfection and Holiness of the One who made us and gives us purpose.
Adam, who witnessed Creation at its finest and who knew the most intimate relationship with His Creator failed to truly appreciate and surrender to his God given place and purpose. He sinned and through Adam, all human beings are born with a sinful nature. That sinful nature separates us from the Holiness of God.
We are ALL sinners. We all have the same need. Sinners need a savior.
God loved us enough to provide that Savior. Christ is the Savior who can reconcile us to God and His glory.
Often people get caught up in trying to be a “good” person or thinking that they just need enough “good deeds” to outweigh “the bad”. But it’s not about “good” vs “bad”. It’s about measuring up to the holy standard of God’s perfection and righteousness. Only Jesus could meet that level of perfection and holiness. He loved us enough to pay the price for our sins….past, present, future. He imparted to us mercy and grace. We don’t deserve it but we can embrace it. Paul called himself “chief of sinners” and he was extremely grateful and dependent upon his need for a Savior.
“The grace of God has sought out in the world the greatest sinners. It has not passed by the vilest of the vile. He who called himself the chief of sinners was a partaker of the love of Christ.” Charles Spurgeon
Do you recognize that you are a sinner? Do you recognize that you can not earn your righteousness? Do you recognize your need for a Savior? I hope you will embrace the love of Jesus who longs to connect you to the glory of God. An eternity awaits you as His beloved child.