
I’ve Got The Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, Down In My Heart - 1 John 1:1-3

11:00 AM


1 John 1:1-3

When something exciting happens in our lives, we’re just bursting to share it with another. That’s how it is with John’s letter. When I read it I sense his joy as he shares the Good News of Jesus. And I feel his excitement at wanting others to receive Christ as their Savior. And who can blame him? For once we experience the Lord, up-close and personal, including His love, grace, peace, and goodness, we too want others to have that same beautiful fellowship with Jesus.

We’ve all heard it said that Christianity is a relationship not a religion. Which was always God’s plan. From the beginning He established a way for us to fellowship with Him forever through His Son, Jesus Christ. “The Word of Life” in the flesh, the Lord came to pay our sin debt and reconcile us back to our Father in heaven. And through His blood we now can have an intimate, unbreakable relationship with God. And even better still, wanting us to have everything we need to grow in the Lord, God gave us the Bible. 

It has always been God’s greatest desire for us to walk in fellowship with Him. And the Holy Bible is His blueprint; the atlas of life. For in its pages we’ll find a path. A magnificent path lit by the glory of God’s light. And one, that if we do not not stray from, leads us to a close relationship with our Creator, Father, Savior, and our dearest Friend. A path to the deepest joy we’ll ever know, and a unconditional love lasting an eternity.

So today I challenge you to spend time in God’s Word. Even if it’s only a few verses, make an effort every day to read the Bible. For it contains everything we need to live victoriously. It lifts, empowers, guides, and comforts. And the more you get to know its Author, you too will sing, “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart!”

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