The Benefits of Praise {Psalm 150}
12:30 AM
If you want to know how important praising God is to the Christian faith, all you have to do is turn to the book of Psalms. Known in Hebrew as “Sepher Tehillim” (Book of Praises), it is a collection of 150 poems and songs, with nearly every one of them praising God. Psalms also shares with us the many forms praise can take. These include, “Hallah” (our word "hallelujah" comes from this base word), meaning to praise, to shine, or to boast. “Yadah”, meaning to worship with extended hands. “Todah and Shabach”, meaning to shout or to address with a loud voice. “Barak”, meaning to kneel down, to bless God as an act of adoration. “Tehillah", meaning to sing or to laud. And “zamar”, meaning to pluck the strings of an instrument.
So what’s the deal with all of this emphasis on praising God? Why would God who being self sufficient, with complete and perfect fellowship through the holy Trinity, need the exhortation, worship, and thanksgiving of His people? Because in His perfect way the Lord uses our worship not for His benefit, but for ours. “God wants nothing but our ever-increasing joy and delight in glory. So he gives us worship, not because he needs it, but that we might have more and more pleasure in him.”...Mark Altrogge
So how does praise benefit us?
Praise Brings Joy- “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice!” (Phil. 4:4) Have you ever felt so happy that you thought you just might burst at the seams? Been so full of glee that you couldn’t stop smiling? That’s the kind of joy I feel every time I think of all that God is, all that He does, and all that He blesses me with each and every day. I am a sinner worthy of death, yet God chose me, redeemed me, and calls me His own. My heart can’t help but rejoice at His love nor my lips stop singing the praises of His mercy!
Praise Keeps Us Humble-“For You are great and do wondrous deeds; You alone are God” (Ps. 86:10) David was a mighty king. As ruler over all of Israel, his power was vast, his wealth great, and his commands obeyed. But as his words of praise show, even though he was called master by his subjects, David knew who the real Master is. And as we praise God for being Creator and Ruler of all things, our egos are kept in check as we too humbly admit that we are but dust; servants to the One and only true living God.
Praise Redirects Our Focus-“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (Col. 3:2) We’ve all heard the saying, “you are what you think”. Satan loves it when our minds are focused on ourselves and the things of the world. For he knows it’s at these times when we are most vulnerable to sin. But praise redirects our attention to where it should be, on God. And when we are laser focused on Him, our feet stay firmly planted on the Lord’s path, and we become impervious to the Enemy’s attacks.
Praise Deepens Our Relationship With God-“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” (James 4:8) There is nothing that can ever compare to having a close, personal relationship with the Lord; to feel His love and presence in our lives. Praise not only draws us closer to God, but through our praise He is drawn closer to us. Psalm 22:3 tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people, and out of love and devotion shouldn’t we all strive to grow in our intimacy with the Lord, and to be transformed into His likeness?
Our God is an awesome God. He is the sovereign King of kings, and Architect of the Universe. He is faithful, wise, holy, just, slow to anger, compassionate, gentle, powerful, merciful, and above all else, loving. He needs nothing yet wants us. So much that He sacrificed all to give us everything. And He alone is worthy of our praise.