The Endurance of Abraham {Gen. 21:1-23:20}

12:00 AM

Monday January 8 Genesis 21:1-23:20

After a bout of sickness, I found myself sitting at my doctor’s office whining, “I can’t take it anymore. I just want to be done with this and get well!” After two trips to the emergency room I thought I was on the mend, only to be hit with another complication. My doctor looked at me and said, “Listen, I know it’s hard but if you stay on the antibiotics I gave you, you will get better. It just takes time. Trust me.” Enduring and trusting are never easy. And no one knew this better than Abraham. He endured and trusted God even when tested to his very core.

When Abraham was 75 years old, God promised to make him a great nation. The years came and went, and as each one passed no fulfillment of God’s promise came. But instead of giving up or giving in to discouragement, Abraham “believed in the Lord.” (Gen. 15:6) He remained steadfast in his faith. And finally, at the age of 100, Abraham received the son he had waited for which much anticipation. His beloved Isaac. But just when Abraham thought his joy complete, God asked of him the seemingly impossible; the sacrifice of his son.

As a parent myself, I can’t even begin to imagine the confusion and sorrow Abraham must have felt because of God’s request. Regardless, Abraham continued to trust and place his hope in the Lord. And even though he didn’t understand, Abraham endured and obeyed. Because of His actions not only did God spare Isaac, He promised to bless Abraham greatly. “In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice.” (vs. 22:18) A promise fulfilled through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

What about you? If God asked you to sacrifice what you love the most could you do so obediently and without hesitation? God wanted Abraham, and each of us, to learn to wait, trust, and hope in Him, no matter what He asks of us. And when we do, God promises to bless our obedience greatly! For He is the Everlasting God who is faithful from the eternal past, and trustworthy forever without end! (Ps. 90:2, 93:2, Is. 26:4)

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