
I Will Restore {Joel 1-3}

12:30 AM

August 14, 2018

I believe God has been trying to get my attention.  Last week I had a post all written about the glory of God, when God woke me and reminded me that the “land” He was talking about was my heart. 

I’ve been gone a few days and away from my computer and internet and when I opened my bible tonight to re-read Joel and see what I had already written, I just had to smile – yes, God had me write once again that He wants to reside, Wholly, in our hearts.

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God wasn’t telling the trees and grapevines, and the water to repent – He is telling His people – US – to repent!  He wants our obedience, so He can reside in our hearts and in turn, we can live our lives and teach by being the examples He wants us to be.

Sin keeps our heart’s doors locked up.  As we confess and repent, God fills that space up.  When we share our story with our children and others, it helps them learn. 

The biggest disaster will be when you or I choose to follow our sinful nature instead of God.  I don’t know about you, but the battle I go through as the Lord tears at my heart to give up something – it’s agonizing!  Sometimes it takes years for me to let it go.  But one thing is for sure – once I have completely let it go, God fills my heart – that space that held my desire – and when I share my story with someone else, it shows His glory and my sin – they too are changed.  But my heart is just so full – it’s beyond explanation!

Image result for joel 2:26

These past few weeks I have in some way been affected by the death of someone I know.  It began with my mom four weeks ago.  Then the death of the mother of a niece; the grandmother of a good friend; and lastly, a father of a friend.  And through all of this, I have truly seen the journey from birth to death.  As you listen to stories and see the photographs of the person’s life, you realize how big God is.  How He moved in their lives.  God desires residence in our hearts.  And He has the biggest street sweeper ever.  He allows destruction – destruction of sin so that His love and mercy can be seen.

If you have never allowed God to fill your heart, I pray that you would let Him in.  But watch out!  His method of cleaning will leave you speechless and what He fills you up with will radiate to the rest of the world and you will want to share this gift with others.  It is so extraordinary, you are overflowing and with something amazing.

But let this be a warning to all of you tight lipped people – we will all go through the valley of judgment.  Billions of people have lived on earth and every one of them – dead, living and yet to be born will face judgment.  Just look around you.  See your friends.  Your co-workers.  Have they received God’s forgiveness?  Have they been warned about sin’s consequence?  If we understand the severity of God’s final judgment, we will want to take God’s offer of hope to those we know.

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