Friday May 1st- Walking in Wisdom

II Corinthians 7-encouraging
one another through this life of trials and tribulations.
Life as we live it is not an easy one. We go through many ages of life. There are challenges with each age. Yet the Lord does not leave us on our
II Corinthians 1:4-5 starts
out with the comfort that comes from the Lord and that we are to share with
others the comfort that we have been comforted from the Lord.
My focus is on verse :6 But God, Who comforts and encourages and refreshes and
cheers the depressed and the sinking, comforted and encouraged and refreshed
and cheered us by the arrival of Titus. [Amplified Bible]
Who is Titus?
*He was full affection and enthusiasm for the Corinthian
brethren (II Cor. 7:15)
*He was effective, free from all sordid motives and shared
in Paul’s spirit and example (II Cor. 12:18).
*Paul considered him his
brother (II Cor. 2:13)
*and his partner in Christ (II Cor.
Have you ever gone through a time of depression, or were
Did the Lord send someone
in your life to encourage and refresh you in your walk with the Lord?
Do you have a Titus in your life?
Do you know someone who is strong in their
faith, a sister in Christ?
Do you seek
out those around you who are depressed or discouraged?

I saw this verse many years ago when I was going through a
difficult time in my life and I asked the Lord to send me a Titus to encourage
me and He surely did. I remember it
clearly and within a few moments the phone rang and a sister in the Lord felt
led to call me and encourage me. Have
you ever had a Titus in your life? Be a
Titus to someone today!

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and
the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.