Who Do You Represent? {Acts 23}

1:47 AM

By Lisa Thayer

In Chapter 20, we saw that Paul’s companions tried to convince him not to go to Jerusalem.  And today we see Paul being questioned by the very people he had been a member of.  These men of the council were supposed to be an example of the Law of Moses.  The command to have Paul struck was in fact both contrary to both the spirit and the letter of the law.  Deuteronomy 25:1-2 says only a man found guilty can be beaten, and Paul had not yet been found guilty.

I read that it has been 20 years since Paul had been away from the council.  Perhaps Paul didn’t recognize Ananias as the high priest.  But perhaps the way these people were conducting themselves made it difficult to tell based on their actions.  As Christians, we are to represent Christ.  When those around us say, “I did not know you were a Christian”, we have failed to represent Him as we should.  We are not merely Christ followers, we are His representatives to others.

I cannot help but think, ‘Paul, why didn’t you listen?’  Then I think, am I as stubborn as he was?  Am I willing to step into a hostile situation just to represent Christ?  It’s a good thing Paul had the insight to see the council was a mix of Sadducees and Pharisees.  This is an example of the power that Jesus promised to believers (Mark 13:9-11).  God will help us when we are under fire for our faith.  Like Paul, we should always be ready to present our testimony.  The Holy Spirit will give us power to speak boldly.

Paul had gotten himself into a messy predicament, but God is always going to be glorified.  These men had made a vow to kill Paul.  Yet, God sends Paul’s nephew to his rescue and Paul gets transferred to Caesarea.  By the Roman army no less! 

God’s ways are not our ways.  Ours are limited.  When God intervenes, anything can happen.

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