
Coming This Fall... The Women of The Old Testament

8:30 AM

 A Twelve Week Study on The Women of the Old Testament 

Hi Girls!! 

We are < SO EXCITED > to be coming back this fall and digging into the lives of twelve great, and not so great, women of the Old Testament! We learned so very much during our study on the New Testament women this past spring, that we just knew we had to keep going this fall with women from the Old Testament. 

And one of the best parts of this study is that each week we will focus on a different woman or group of women, so you're free to pop in and out when you can and never feel like you're behind in the study. 

Here's our Lineup this Fall:
1.) Eve -The first women.
2.) Sarah & Hagar
3.) Rebekah
4.) Jacob's wives
5.) Miriam
6.) Rahab
7.) Ruth & Naomi
8.) Hannah
9.) David's wives
10.) The Shunammite Woman
11.) Esther
12.) Proverbs 31 woman

We plan to begin on Monday, August 30th so that we can finish with the Proverbs 31 woman on the Friday before Thanksgiving, (November 19th)

More details will be coming soon!

Stay tuned and we pray you'll soon be as excited as we are to get started!!



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