The Year of Jubilee, an Act of Forgiveness {Leviticus 24:1-27:34}

5:55 AM

In Leviticus 25 we read about the Year of Jubilee, in which all debts were forgiven and all debtors were paid.

When we are in Christ, every day can be the Year of Jubilee. We can say to those who are in debt to us by their mistreatment to us "I forgive you and release you from your debt. You are free to go. I leave you in God's hands to let Him deal with you, because as long as I am trying to deal with you, He won't"

When we miss to consistently practice the act of forgiveness we could very easily stop the flow of blessing and power of God as it should  in our lives.

Forgiving is difficult, tough, but no matter whatever the reason, how justified it is or not, when we fail to forgive it cripples our faith, steals our joy and bring bitterness and bondage into our lives.

In the Bible we are called to forgive, but to forgive God's way, how God does. The kind of forgiveness that is not based on feelings but a deliberate act of our will

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.- Ephesians 4:32

He never holds a sin against us and it's how He expects us to forgive others.

If you're like me, you  may come to a point in which you believe that forgiving "that person" is humanly impossible, and it may be...but God wants us to be free from the pain and destruction that unforgiveness brings into our lives.

The good news? He knows we cannot do this on our own. But until we take the first step to forgive our freedom and healing will never come.

People (even from church) may betray you, may offend you but the Bible says in Luke 6: 28
"bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."

Trust me, our flesh immediately will refuse to do this, but because we can trust the Lord, and He loves us, we obey Him and we know that it's the only way we will live free and victorious.

Today choose to forgive, God's way and bless those who hurt you or curse you. You'll be amazed to see pain and disappointment vanishing away, washed away by God's love

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