Unity {Ephesians 4}
12:30 AM
have been in a season that looks like a deep rut. And I can’t seem to find my way out. Unfortunately, I’ve tried to reach out to
those who do not wish to join me down here.
I’ve been trying to understand why I’m here and at the same time, I’ve
been fighting to get out!
have to say though, that in what has seemed to be a lonely place, I’ve noticed
that I’m really not alone. Yes, I am a
prisoner, but I’ve come to realize that my imprisonment is a choice. I’ve chained myself to guilt, shame and a
less than glamourous past. I’ve also
noticed that the reason I am so lonely is that I don’t notice anyone else
around me. It is so difficult to see
through the cloud of self-absorption.
in this self-absorbed state, the Lord has never left me. His Word is perfect. Just read,
“(What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly
regions? He who descended is the very
one who ascended higher than all the heavens in order to fill the whole
universe.) So Christ himself gave the
apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his
people for works of service, so that the
body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and the
knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining the whole measure of
the fullness of Christ.” (vs. 9-13) (emphasis mine)
first thought was “Super Hero”. Christ
left His heavenly kingdom and came to this dirty earth to love, teach and serve
us. He even descended to hell to show
His mighty power. And then ascended back
to heaven. Who else could do that?

me share with you what I’ve learned while being in a rut. The Lord has forgiven me for all the times I
have not walked worthy of the calling I’ve been called to, all while teaching
me humility, gentleness and patience.
oh, how His grace that saved me and is still sustaining me and keeps me walking
upright daily. He is teaching me to have
a humble heart. While here in this rut,
He is teaching me gentleness and He’s removing all my harsh attitudes. He’s teaching me patience, especially when I
want things done ‘right now’! He’s
showing me that the condition of my heart isn’t always perfect, but HE is and
so is HIS timing. He’s helping me to
wait in the silence. He’s helping me to
trust and hope in HIM alone.
while down here in this rut, the Lord is showing me how to bear the burdens of
others in LOVE. He has forgiven me for
the times I have not prayed or interceded for my brothers and sisters. He’s teaching me how to reach out in love to
help bear their burdens and to serve quickly and with a joyful heart.
am so thankful for all those who have gone before me, the apostles, the saints,
and the teachers. I am also thankful for
the desire for unity, for it is unity that drives me to keep on getting up every
day and practice, to read God’s word and study.
Unity has driven me to put on righteousness. Unity has driven me to reach up and take His
hand and walk up the mountain, over and over, so when I come back down I will
bear His love and His strength to serve others.
have learned while in this rut to hold tightly to the truth revealed in the
scriptures. To open the door when the
Lord knocks (the knob is on my side of the door). I have learned that just as children and
plants grow, so must I and I have to bury the old self and leave her
there! The weight of death and the past
are too heavy a burden for me alone.