
Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Devil Made Me Do It - Psalm 106

Psalm 106, Ephesians 2:10, 1 John 2:28-29

Comedian Flip Wilson was famous for always using the phrase, “The Devil made me do it!” And he isn’t the first. After eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, Eve too tried to lay the blame squarely at the feet of Satan. But that excuse didn’t work for her, and it won’t work for us either. Now that’s not to say the Devil isn’t responsible for tempting us to disobey God. But we alone are ultimately responsible for the choices we make.

Disobedience to God refers to the act of deliberately disregarding God's commands or instructions. And far from out of our control, not obeying the Lord is a deliberate choice we make to act contrary to what God has revealed to be true, good, and right. Throughout history the Lord’s people acting in disobedience has been a recurring problem. From the fall of man, the rebellion of the Israelites in the wilderness, the rejection of Jesus by the religious leaders of His time, to the sin we each commit daily.

Sadly, the consequences of disobedience to God can be severe, both in the present and in the eternal sense. Disobedience can lead to spiritual and moral decay, broken relationships, and harmful consequences both for ourselves and others. Worse yet, it can also result in the loss of God's favor and blessings. But thankfully, our God is one of unending grace and mercy. And despite our times of faithlessness, God will forever be faithful in forgiving His people and delivering them from their enemies.

Although God may allow us to face the consequences of our disobedience, when we come before Him in true sorrow for our sins, our Father will never turn us away. For the Lord generously offers His forgiveness and restoration to those who acknowledge their disobedience, repent from their wickedness and seek His forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ. One of the most wonderful gifts God gives us is free will. Which means it might be easy to blame the Devil, but we are each responsible for our own actions, good and bad.

Pause and Reflect

Ingratitude and grumbling are the habitual sins committed by Israel. Do you have these in your own life? Why are these habits so destructive?

It was temptations that drew Israel away from her faith in God. What concrete action could you take to prevent the temptations of the world from interfering with your commitment to God?

Let’s Pray Together, 

Our dearest Father in heaven above, hallowed be Thy name. Father we are reminded of the ways in which Your people have sinned and fallen short of Your glory. And we confess that we too have sinned against You and ask for Your forgiveness. Lord, we thank you for your steadfast love and faithfulness, even in the face of our disobedience. And we praise You for Your mercy and compassion, which are new every morning. Father help us to learn from the mistakes of the past and to follow you more faithfully in the present. May we be a people who seek to obey your commands and live according to your will. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen 

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings. ðŸ’– Lisa