
Monday, March 6, 2023

His Love Endures Forever! ~ Psalm 107

 Today’s Scripture: Psalm 107 &  Isaiah 43:5-6Col 1:13-14

I got so excited when I learned that it was my job to write on Psalm 107, for this psalm holds two important messages, and I'll admit I struggled with which one to write on. The first is found in verses 6, 13, 19 and 28, "Then they cried out to the Lord in their troubles.", for this is where we will find our help and be delivered from our "troubles" as the subsequent verses testify to. 

But, I believe the most important message the psalmist wanted to get across to us is found in his first verses: "O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His compassion and loving-kindness endure forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the adversary" - Psalm 107:1-2 (emphasis mine)

Found in verse 1 is a common refrain that the psalmist wants us, not only to remember, but to carry with us for the rest of our days! It is: "His compassion and loving-kindness endures forever." Another version states, "The steadfast love of God endures forever.”

Think of that one thought for a moment, especially those of us who have been hurt by someone who loved us for a little while, but then left us. Today, I want to especially talk to the one who has had a close friend, or loved one; someone who they thought loved them well. One they leaned on and trusted in, only to be betrayed by them in some way.  

It happens, and sometimes those times make it difficult to open up and trust - wholeheartedly trust once more. But God's Word assures us that we have a "Friend who sticks closer than a brother."
(Proverbs 18:24)

Beloved, in a world where "it's all about me" and heartbreaks, we can be assured that God's love for us is steadfast and enduring. No matter what we do or say. (Romans 8:38-39) We did nothing to earn His love and we can't do anything to lose His love. How amazingly wonderful is that?! 

Since God is love and He is the creator of love, His love will endure forever because it is His character (1 John 4:7) He cannot change. His love will remain forever.

We know that when a person places their faith in Jesus, they receive eternal life in addition to forgiveness for their sins and are sealed with God's Spirit.  His love for us will never weaken overtime, for enduring love does not have any time restraints.

And God promises us over one hundred times in His Word that He will never leave us, nor forsake us. 

So let me ask you:

_ Has someone hurt you and let you down in the past?  How did you react?
_ Have you been able to forgive them?
_ Has it made it difficult to trust and continue to love them and others?
_ Would you allow God to love them through you?
_ Remember the first important element in this psalm was to cry out to God and watch Him come running to the rescue. Will you surrender to allow God to reach this world with His unconditional love? 

Let's pray: 

All glory be to Your name, O God, for Your love - for Your steadfast love that will never diminish. Father, thank You that no matter what happens tomorrow I am loved with a love that will endure through all eternity. Father, help me not only to remember this always, but help me to love others in the same way You love. Or better yet, Lord Jesus, love others unconditionally through me. May we team up to reach a hurting world out there with the steadfast love of God. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

