
Monday, February 28, 2022

Approaching His Throne of Grace

Girl with basket is a painting by Johann Georg Meyer von Bremen 

This was how I used to picture myself approaching God's throne. As a daughter weighted down by the cares of this world, ready to leave them at my Father's feet. Only if I'm honest, I didn't always leave them all there. Often I'd pick much of them back up and continue on my way once more. 

It must have broke my Father's heart for Him to see me pick them all back up and keep going just like I was. Didn't I trust Him? Or better yet, why didn't I trust Him with everything?

I believe the reason I continued to carry the weight of my worries is because I truly didn't know Who God was at that time! And if there are others like myself out there that find themselves anxiously worrying unnecessarily, who pray and immediately pick up their basket of burdens just as soon as they have prayed, I want us to pause for a bit this morning as we get set to study prayer during this month and focus on Who we are approaching. 

 Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:14-16)

Not only is Jesus our Savior and Lord, Jesus is God's anointed High Priest, through whom we have been made fit to approach the awesome throne of God Most High. This means Christ's high priestly role is an eternal and continuous one.

He is our perfect Priest, who through His own sacrifice, has once and for all atoned for all our sins forever and ever. We've been sealed by His Holy Spirit which can't be rendered void. And our access to a Holy, Omnipotent, God has been sealed as well. 

Our Lord Jesus is the ultimate and final Word of God. He is the incarnate Word, who took upon Himself human flesh (John 1). And as our great, High Priest, He is forever interceding day and night for His Church. Jesus is the only Mediator between man and God. 

Imagine for a moment that Jesus, our Savior, not only died to pay for our sins and make a way for us to be with Him one day in paradise, but He is now interceding for us constantly before God! We need to remember this each time we seek to approach God's mercy seat. 

Beloved, Jesus is our righteous, Kinsman-Redeemer, who has become our Mediator. He was given the name that is above every name. He cannot fail! And all of us who have trusted in His death, burial, and resurrection, for the forgiveness of our sins and eternal life, have been called to "hold fast our confession." (v.14) 

We are commanded to stand firm in our faith that:

  • Jesus is the Son of God, 
  • Jesus is our great High Priest,
  • Jesus has put away our sin forever by His death on the cross
  • Jesus' resurrection gives us the assurance of eternal life 
  • Jesus ascended into heaven so that one day we too will be with Him in heaven. 
  • Jesus is forever interceding on our behalf until we all make it home.

When we put it this way... Wow! No wonder we are exhorted by the writer of the book of Hebrews to hold fast to our confession! 

To take God at His word and boldly approach His throne of grace in order to leave our baskets of burdens there at His feet; trusting the One Who is able to make all grace abound to us! 

He waits to hear from you!

I pray this month's study on prayer will not only increase our faith, but our prayer life as well! Will you pray with me...

Father of my Lord Jesus Christ I come. With a grateful and repentant heart I come to my Rock, my Lord and my Redeemer who has made this all possible for me at this moment. 

I know that You shall listen to my prayer for mercy as I cry out to you for help, as I lay my basket of burdens before you and lift up my hands towards your holy sanctuary. Lord, please give Your people strength ...

I want to praise You, Lord, for You have heard my cry for mercy. You alone are my strength and shield.; The One i will place my trust You with all my heart. You are my help, and my heart is filled with joy! Thank You, Lord Jesus for making a way for me. My heart is full to bursting with thanksgiving for simply loving me. Amen.

