
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

With All Your Heart

When the Israelites were sent into exile from Jerusalem into Babylon, the prophet Jeremiah wrote a letter to them, encouraging them to be confident in the plans the Lord had for them. He wanted them to accept their circumstances, knowing they were temporary and that God was still with them and would eventually return them to their homeland. Included in this letter was a promise that God would hear their prayers and have a relationship with them if they remembered to seek Him with all of their heart.

What does it mean to do something “ with all of your heart”? It means to be passionate and fully invested. When we are forming any important relationship, we have to invest in it. We have to invest our time, our resources and our attention. If that relationship is important, we will want to make those efforts. 

Intimacy is a very special bond that is more hardwired than casual acquaintance. God desires that intimate connection to us and promises that if we seek to know Him, He will be found. To really get to know someone involves shared experiences and interactions. We have to learn more and more about that person over time.  To have a deep connection, we also have to be vulnerable and open up, allowing that person to know about us. Isn’t it amazing that our Creator wants to have that kind of a relationship with us.

Our prayer life is our opportunity to spend time connecting with God. It doesn’t mean that our prayers need to be wordy or fancy or elaborate. They just need to be humble, honest and sincere. When our prayers come from the heart, the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf and comforts our hearts in return. It’s the ultimate heart to heart connection….the connection we were designed for. 

Reflection: Are you taking time to connect with God in prayer? Are you seeking God with all of your heart?